Comic for Friday, July 5th, 2019
And so we reach the end of the 14th chapter, and very likely to the question to why Mari suddenly needed an alibi… but why was Mari involved at all? Perhaps only time shall tell (…or, you know, commenters).
Given that the last time we saw a prototype, it had black hair but no blue scarf, this would tend indicate that either both of them currently have black hair, or they pass around the scarf, which make it truly impossible to tell which is which. The real question becomes do they both call themselves Mium Efiate? If Ila is posing as Mium’s brother, does she call herself Ila Efiate? …somehow I don’t think she’d take fondly to that name, even if she seems to have gotten somewhat used to the idea of being Mium’s sibling (as long as she isn’t actively thinking about it enough to deny being related to an outdated firmware virus, or whatever she’d be taken to calling him that day).
Hope everyone that had a long holiday weekend is having a good long holiday weekend!
Does anyone else now check every character for slight transparency? It’s a habit I’ve picked up since I missed the last two or three times it happened. The next one will not escape me!
No. But I have started looking at the pictures, rather than just reading the word bubbles.
Ah, but you also have to read the words outside the bubbles too – those are MUCH more interesting
Just to keep everyone updated and assure people I am alive, page will update tomorrow as normal, probably near the end of the day tomorrow.
We’ve squared away most of the problems of last weekend, though I imagine work will be a pain in the arse for awhile due to the “give a mouse a cookie” problem; now that I’ve helped people with one thing it will take them a few weeks to forget I exist again.
Okay guys… I feel bad about this… but one more day. Comic will be up tomorrow.
I appreciate the patience, and I really do apologize for this schedule slips without prior notice. Missing a comic is one thing, but missing them at the last moment is annoying, I know.
I’ve already ranted plenty in this comic section, so I’ll spare further ranting. I just haven’t been getting many of the long blocks of time I need to draw comic this week; I’ve been up at 5am every day, and am about dive into another meeting as post this, so…. it is what it is till I can dump this job, and that’s not quite right now
But I am pretty confident the comic will be up tomorrow, so there’s that.
Hey, we all are certain that it is worth the wait. Sorry that you are working in a less than optimal situation. The last time I found myself in that position, I had the luxury of telling them to f*** off and walked out the door. But you can’t always do that. Hope that you can take some time for yourself occasionally. And TFSOU is still awesome.
This is a very similar situation to when I told them I was going to quit back in June… we agreed this wasn’t going to happen, but shit hit the fan and we are right back to where we started. Their first reaction to things catching fire is to panic and give me a mop and say “fix it fix it fix it” while I try to figure out how a mop fixes fire.
It’s a really bad time for me to quit right now, so we’ll give a few weeks, but I’m not ruling that out.
I’m not that far from the TFSoU and my other stuff being a potential full-ish time thing (mostly from the D&D patreon doing surprisingly well), and that thought has a occurred me on an hourly basis this week.
I’m torn between not wanting to touch the tender, sore spot and… Well, wanting to touch the tender, sore spot.
June, eh? Got some milage out of that one.
One bad thing about a delayed comic…. We have sort of an unspoken day of silence prior to the new comic. If we don’t know when the comic is, the day of silence becomes more challenging to coordinate.
That reminds me. I’ve got a trust that becomes irrevocable 30 days before my death. I’ve been meaning to ask my lawyer when that goes into effect, he forgot to put the date in. It’d be kind of handy to have that information ahead of time.
Get it? Unspoken day of silence? Eh? No? Oh well, they’re not all home runs.
Being a bit slow on the uptake, I just put together Peter’s reference to Central having a really good space station and the appearance of this comic and the previous one as looking very much like they are taking place on a space station. So question 1, “why are Kyle and the councillor on the space station?” and 2, “How the hell did Mium get there?”
My guess is that Earth / Central is such a mess that a space station is the preferred living space.
As for how, I assume he gated. Of course, that’s kind of the question Kyle was asking as well.
Seems like a reasonable concept, given the destruction from the Incursion. As for Mium’s arrival, yes it certainly would be likely that he came through a gate, indicating to Kyle that he has some level of control over the gate and that Kyle should be very concerned.
The poor habitability of the Central surface is presumably why the Malsans aren’t supposed to know about <nuclear> either
If the preferred living space is off of the planetary surface, i wonder whether that’s the Earth on which the Jetsons live?
Nice catch! If you look very closely in the background of panel 3 I believe you can make out the silhouette of George walking Astro.
Oh! Nice catch. In that case the complicated part might not be Mium passing through a gate (since he now kind of controls them), but rather getting on the space station?
With Mium’s presence and his introduction as a Malsan representative, Kyle now knows that Malsa (via Peter) controls the gates.
Not necessarily. Mium Efiate was last seen chapter 12, page 29. That gives a pretty long gap for him to have gone to Central before the Consul approved seizing the gates. Mari got her alibi over a month before we saw the gates seized. Of course, in comic time, the two events were *much* more proximal. That having been said, I think that was about when Mium Efiate went to Central, rather than moments before this page.
Yeah, I know some of those links were obnoxiously gratuitous, but it seemed like fun.
Solid points on the timing. Still likely Kyle will infer Malsan control of the gates.
Anyone else notice how the statement “I understand you have a very good alibi” serves as Mium’s credentials as to working for peter. Kyle probably dose not know what Query was upgraded to but he demonstratively recognizes the lion by its claw.
I just realized PastUtopia made a Star Wars joke. “If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.”
I always thought that Ila was Mium’s half-sister, and she goes by her father’s surname, so she’s Ila Eften. It’s just, like most half-siblings that get along that I’ve met, they never mentioning the half bit.
Or, I suppose, if you wanted to say her mother didn’t remarry, and went by her maiden name… checking my files, I don’t see this detail, so I guess it would either be Ila Mir or Ila Crazypants or something… She probably would prefer Ila Eften over that.
Comic is going to be delayed. I thought I’d have time to get it finished and published today after it wasn’t ready yesterday, but after a long weekend my inbox has become a candidate for national superfund cleanup effort, and I’m going to be pretty busy today and probably tomorrow. I’m personally thinking the inbox should just be condemned and fenced off for no entry, but I don’t think that’s an option.
It turns out that everyone apparently thinks you should do software deployments when people around going to be out of the office for 4 days, and everyone that knew how to do software deployments was clearly out of the office.
Clearly I should have finished comic during the long weekend and we wouldn’t be in this pickle, but that idea and time machine would- well… still probably not fix this problem, as if I had a time machine I’d just go back to this morning so I could sleep through it.
I find that it there first rule is to send all mail that isn’t explicitly to me to trash, it helps.
The second rule sending everything to trash that IS explicitly to me helps as well.
Mind you, this is all predicated on an email system that is so abused that the excuse “oh, it must have gotten filtered” hasn’t been questioned yet. I’ve worked there for a decade….
Anyway, send me an email. We’ll do lunch.
The issue is less the timing of the deployments and more the follow-through. When you do a software deployment, there really needs to be somebody there the next day who can make sure things are still working OK, and fix them if they’re not. This is the usually unstated understanding behind the rule “never make a change on a Friday.” The Friday isn’t the important part, or even completely right. It’s just a lot easier to say Friday and hope people understand than it is to say, “Never make a change on the last day before you take any time off, including any weekends that you intend to take off.” And, well, people are lazy.
I just tired and cranky and ranting. But……..
Usually I am fairly involved in work over the weekend, at least insofar as replying to emails, so I would be able to help before things got too far out of hand, but I was a bit more checked out this weekend, and was pretty… unimpressed by my inbox when I got back. It wasn’t even just one client, quite a few people apparently decided a long weekend was just the time to do big complicated deployments…….. into production environments…………..
The problem is most of these aren’t even “my” project, so I get these people coming in hot about their millions of dollars not spinning through their money machines fast enough and I’m like… so… “what was any of this supposed to do?” which is not the first question they want to hear. Not to mention I despise working with production environments. In my opinion, I don’t need production access to anything, ever, because if I do something has gone stupidly wrong. I hate working in production environments because [well I should probably just leave that there, going to redact that part; though I’m guessing many people can fill in the blanks there…].
Anyway, I should stop ranting and go back to doing the various things I am supposed to be doing (of which drawing a comic is in the stack, but not at the top of it yet, unfortunately).
I got up way way too early after having not had to get up too early, which really isn’t helping. So yeah, instead of a comic we have contankerous ranting. It’s not a fair trade, but it’s here we are anyway
Sorry folks, I will try to get the comic back on track. Consider this a sick day, ailment of the mind. Derangement.
It would be very tempting to illustrate your work saga.
You are spared this by virtue of my not yet having mastered any of the sundry software programs that might allow this, given the thoroughly inadequate state of my own artistic skills.
…. I mentally rewrite reality. Comic is now delayed because the author has to trace his plotlines and verify which character knows what.
Oh, crap. Comic is going to be massively delayed!!!!
Pull out stops.
Author gated into Palindra to find out what he needs to draw next.
Oh SNAP! Mium has the gates locked and Past can’t get back!
I’m pretty sure that Past and Mium are on friendly terms… unless Past’s first name happens to be Hadrian…
Or tried to represent that on paper, when it underwent gravitational collapse, sucking in everything around it?
Developers should never work in production. Speaking as someone who’s been forced to one too many times, at this point the final Docker container doesn’t even have all the build tools. It’s easier to work on master than actually going in to that container. Of course, even then it doesn’t stop someone from doing that.
This is why tags are a thing. A good deployment system should allow you to seamlessly roll back to an old version. Including rolling back the database changes. Of course, then you always have to make sure nothing is lost, but they are making backups of the database right… Right!!!
Oh who are we kidding, of course they don’t have automatic database snapshots.
There’s so much I want to say, but I’ve been trying to be good.
Most of my career I’ve worked in shops so small that not only do I normally not have a true dev system, no meaningful regression testing, etc… But typically if I need to round up the sysadmin, the software dev team, the DBA, and the system architect, I can do it in about 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes being what I need to drive to my favorite Chinese buffet and have lunch by myself.
I consider myself lucky when I can invite the project manager, and actually have another human to talk with.
I had to delete half this post. It doesn’t do to whine and complain too much on a public forum. I should probably delete the remaining half, but it’s been one of those days.
Seriously, if Past is gating into Palindra without us…. Dude, you really need to make that an option on your Patreon. $2500 level, you get to buy Team Peter a round at the local watering hole. Just one round though, and then leave. No reason to tempt fate into blowing up another building.
Somehow, I thought you were going to say if you needed to round up the sysadmin, the software dev team, the DBA, and the system architect, it’d take no time at all, because it’s one person: you.
It doesn’t necessarily require working for a small company. Even in a VBC, there are some teams that are that small. The difference is, most of the time, at a VBC, if management is really sold on the idea of a test environment, it happens. Sometimes, even if the management that’s been sold on that concept isn’t yours.
Anyway, I don’t know whether Past is gating to Palindra or not, because it’s a little ambiguous where this Utopia is compared to the events of the comic. But, word of god on him going to the Far Side of Utopia…
Oh, just to clarify something… as someone who can’t really do the mental calculations to do magic all that quickly, I’m not particularly eager to go somewhere Sophie could have her way with me. Sophie’s way doesn’t seem very fun to me.
Also, Fluffy probably has a certain amount of pent up aggression towards me, regarding all the times I’ve called them Fluffy.
Just me, buddy. Just me, myself, and I. Arguments among the crew are hilarious.
I’ve not seen any tag system that was so good that it could roll back to breakfix changes that were never submitted to whatever version control system implements it. Just saying.
Sure, it’d be better to get all of those breakfix changes put into version control, but there tends to be a lot of resistance to checking in hackish monstrosities that should’ve never existed. … at least, up until you’ve backed out some update that was intended to fix an unrelated problem because it didn’t include anything to handle the case the breakfix handled, and the prior version doesn’t have the breakfix either, because change control failure.
This sudden change of heart will usually not last until the next time a hackish monstrosity gets implemented to breakfix some issue.
(This is not saying that tags are useless, but rather that they don’t eliminate the need for backing up what you’re updating.)
The only solution to that is to lock down production to the point where the only way to make a change is version control. Ideally the deployment system can decide which branch gets pushed to production, and that branch has all the hackish changes made to it while new development is done somewhere else. Of course, that still doesn’t help if they try to swap branches without thinking things through.
Even then, it’s too many controls (even if it does actually save labor) for some managers to handle. They want to see results, and if that means working on production then so be it.
I’m constantly remind of my favorite book about programming:. The Phoenix Project. It has exactly zero lines of code in the whole book.
You know, it figures….the one to kill Peter’s dad will probably be Peter himself, via headaches and heart attacks…
Mium’s back! YAAAAYYY!!!!
Hm, did Mium bring along a replacement drone for the one that was shot defending Kyle?
I think someone below suggested that one of the purposes for Mium being there is to BE that replacement.
@pastUtopia the 5th panel …
a matter of mutual interest AROSE
You “could” leave it the way it is, but the current word might change the context comic from pg13..
Fixed, thanks!
I’m really excited about wherever this is going.
By the way, there’s a how how in the last panel.
“Locking Peter in a cage never worked particularly well.”
….Not exactly something you normally want to hear a parent say about their kid….
Ooh! Could Mium still be looking for the BridgePoint data? Sure, he’s also here about the locked gates, but is he still working on his previous objective as well?
It was Mium who locked the gates. If it is unsurprising for anyone to have gate travel, then that someone is Team Peter.
I’ve got the impression that the Bridgepoint data has been pretty effectively scrubbed.
I might be wrong, someone might have an uncorrupted version, but if so that person is likely to be a very sought after target by all interested parties, including Kor’s World.
My best guess is that Mium has several purposes. One of which will be political-social, because that is what Mium is. At least one of the other purposes will be to find data necessary to reconstruct the Bridgepoint data.
At least one Kor’s World soldier is also confident the bridgepoint data was scrubbed. His mission could have just been one copy, but he didn’t talk like it was just one of several copies.
That having been said, I’d guess that having a Malsa-sized gate detector on Palindra, and a world-sized gate detector on Central is probably a good start to making the sort of data collection apparatus that they need to reconstruct that data quickly enough to claim to have found it rather than reconstructed it.
But it’s not just in having the data to be able to make bridgepoint gates. In order to say they found the data rather than reconstruct it, they need to have dates and times and the appropriate worlds. To be a useful forgery, the report needs to have all of the variations in gate formation they’ve encountered so far. But to be an acceptable forgery, it needs to not include any discrepancies from the original that anyone will notice, even if it will have *lots* of discrepancies from the original that nobody will notice.
So, yes, even if Peter thoroughly cracked everything before he left Central, there’s a huge amount of data sifting to do on Central, and not all of it will necessarily be in computer databases. (Sure, they could gaslight the people who were on the original bridgepoint project, but it would be much better to get from them as much about what they remember from it as possible, to minimize that gaslighting.)
Sorry, let me rephrase. Mium is here about the gate misuse by Central officials. And about the soldiers, monsters, etc. Officially.
But this is Mium. And he was sent here by Peter. That’s a bit like inviting an interior decorator into your home. But that the decorator is actually a kleptomaniac AND has been deliberately hired to steal from you.
My question isn’t if Mium will steal sensitive files or not. My question is what will Mium steal? Could a backup of the BridgePoint be on Central? It seemed a bit too strange to me that the BridgePoint data was on Malsan.
I’d say the bridgepoint data itself is not on Central. But data they would use to verify the data, should Peter produce “it” is.
Some of that data is the list of worlds that they made gates to to study. Some of that is the dates at which those gates were made. It’s plausible that there’s a cryptographic hash of the data. Some of the researchers probably remember bits and pieces of the data.
This is the stuff I was saying they’d want to match in my last paragraph of my response to Glider.
TGape, maybe you’d do me a favor and recap what we know about the Bridgepoint data so far?
It’s really not much. Amaranth and anyone else who can catch what I’ve missed, feel free to chime in here. I mostly took one of my tracking files and converted my page notation to chapter links. But this is a relatively recent tracking file, and I didn’t take the time to do a full dive to make it. (I’m still “working” on the dive for the major tracking file before it, but kind of burnt out on that – so many spell calculation circles to note… sigh.) I do feel like I’m missing something, but I can’t remember what.
The bridgepoint data was copied and then sabotaged. The intruder only had to tamper with the security cameras in the access room. Acalia stole something around the same time. Peter suspects a teleporter is mucking around with stuff. A Kor’s World soldier reported to home base that they successfully wiped it. At the time, they were in the lower levels of a PACT facility (comment from the author).
Holy hyperlinks, Batman! Good job!
The real question now becomes is does Kyle know who Mium is? Kyle used to have a version of Query that Peter gave him.
Is this Peter essentially replacing that version of Query? We know people are trying to assassinate Kyle, and that Peter does not like his family members being killed. It is possible he sent Mium here as Mium is a far far more effective bodyguard than the mobile terminal was (and that managed to be a pretty good bodyguard all things considered).
Alternatively, and I think more likely, Mium is here to cause major trouble for Biana. All that information Biana is trying to suppress about what is going on in Malsa? My gut says that Peter has had enough of that. Mium is not only Mium, but he also is, technically, an official Malsan representative with authority vested in him by Peter and quite possibly the Consul.
It is going to be hard for Central to brush him aside, particularly when he has the leverage of having a large force of Central soldiers trapped behind the gates he locked, and likely a recording of them killing the Consul.
Biana better have powerful allies in Central, because this looks like Peter just got tired of her shit.
“…Alternatively, and I think more likely…”
Those are very good theories. But why couldn’t it be both? From what we know about Peter, doesn’t that sound more like his style: Killing two birds with one stone? Mium could meet with a few people over here, hack a few databases and try to protect Kyle in his spare time.
You are assuming that he hasn’t ALREADY hacked every database on Central? ^^
Hacking databases doesn’t equate to emotionally hacking people. One you can do from remote the other is best done in person. Mium needs an emotional trigger on the council. To get them after the IDS idiots from central.
I personally feel like Peter makes it a personal challenge to see how many goals he can accomplish with one action, rather than limiting his aspirations to a mere two. As such, I feel confident that Ambassador Mium’s mission here is to align the council, which starts by meeting with Kyle to get an official lay of the land so that there is no indication that he didn’t arrive with that information already on hand.
But in addition to that task, there’s also squaring away the family defense, probably looking for signs that Kor’s World may have been active in some limited capacity in Central (it’s my guess that the gate detector Peter made for Tyler is something a bit new. As such, Central probably didn’t have one before chapter 13. But Mium Efaite’s been missing in action for long enough they probably have one now. Of course, under Peter’s control, rather than something they know about.
Whatever the reason for a version of Mium being on Central, the EXCUSE is genius: as a representative from Malsa, he should have diplomatic protection: so whatever Central’s laws/feelings/etc towards SMAIs might be, they can’t do anything about this version of Mium: they HAVE to play ball with him.
I don’t think Mium is here to f*** with Biana. I think Mium is here to shake the entire apple tree: he’s here to FORCE the council to convene!
Diplomatic immunity does not convey political immunity. I feel it’s probably pretty important for team Peter to leave as much doubt about Mium being an SMAI as possible. Right now, I think the only people who are currently part of the IDS who know that are Arron and Kally, and neither of those are telling the council. By meeting with Kyle first, and not pointing out that he’s thoroughly cracked their IT security, Mium is doing his best to not align the council against him while he’s attempting to align the council with team Kepler.
Mium in last panel is stuttering “how how”.
I don’t think that is intentional.
Fixed, thanks
Mium’s openly walking around Central? And can apparently keep connection there? That is starting to be very scary.
Oh snap!
I guess we know why Mari and Kyle needed alibis. Fortunately, they both have good ones.
This bodes poorly for Bianca and her allies.
Is this an independent, non-synched iteration of Mium or does Peter/Mium have access to some sort of high bandwidth interdimensional communications?
The “Eidos card(s)”! They were mentioned to allow long distance instant communication but it was never said how long distance.
Or, no longer tied to lab 5, did the Mium brothers both go to Central at the same time? Before or after the gates were locked?
By strict panel order, the gates were locked between chapter 14 page 13 (order given final frame) and chapter 14 page 14 (gate lockdown reported in first frame.) As of 14.15, Miko was still on her way to see Ryn, and didn’t shut down lab 5 until 14.28. The 4 Miko updates in that set make no mention of time correlation and mention no events the rest of the cast are involved with. The only tie between Miko’s story and the Peter/Sophie/Consul drama is on 14.07, and *that* just indicates that at the time Mium was rebooted, Miko was somewhere in the AVon lab building.
Normally, it would be reasonable to assume that the gates were shut long before Miko assumed control of lab 5, but there is some narrative leeway here.
Reflecting on this, I think the gates were probably shut down before Miko took lab 5, which means it’s probably unlikely both of Mium’s prototypes went to Central. If that is the case, there are basically two options:
1. Mium is able to run as an autonomous instance on one of the prototypes, he’s just not allowed to. This suggests that Mium would’ve needed to get permission from Peter to lock down the gates, in addition to getting it from the Consul. I’d expect he’d have gotten permission from Peter first. It could’ve even come in the form of a directive that triggered him to make the offer in the first place.
2. Per 07.12, Eidos drive cards allow a whole slew of things that should be impossible, including seemingly instantaneous communication between two nodes. Considering this is Kor’s World tech, it seems reasonable their idea of two nodes does not include an implied “within the same dimension.” and they continue to function while the gates are locked down.
… It’s probably the second of those options. So, all of the questions: No, before, and Eidos cards just work that way.
One potentially important data point: Mari activated an instance of Query on Central that Peter had left behind a long long time ago.
I am not quite sure how this ties in, but given that we were shown this happening, I strongly suspect it impacts something.
Peter left what seems to be a thumbdrive containing a prototype of Query from before Minus Years, when he was first going to Palindra, but the first thing that version does when it boots is updates, so it probably tied into something of Query’s that was left behind when the floating device was destroyed. Peter gave Kyle the floating device presumably after Mium was created, so it’s likely that the instance of Query was updated to at least sometime around when Mium was created.
My guess is that either Mium can communicate across dimensions, or this prototype is being run by the Query that used to be in the floating device, and MYM just sent over the prototype for it use after Mari rebooted its system on Central. The prototypes mostly have their own hardware, so a fairly advanced version of Query could probably run a prototype assuming it had knowledge from Mium originally coming online.
While that version referred to itself as Query, this one calls itself Mium Efiate, which is the name legally registered name of that prototype, so it would not necessarily be a lie.
Considering Mium controls all the interdimensional gates AND that he was able to take control of them ALL with ease upon the Consul’s instructions that it it likely he has been using ALL the gates to maintain some form of communication between Palindra and Central… I mean he does use weather satellites to monitor gate traffic after all!!
I expect Mari activating a local copy of Mium (which then promptly updates) is WHY he was maintaining access to all the gates… effectively he was “listening in” waiting for Mari’s call for assistance! I mean Mium quite often does things in anticipation of a particular action being required.
Actually that gets me thinking: if Mium already had access to all the gates… then monitoring them is easy… but NOT letting the Consul & her people know why monitoring them is easy is slightly more tricky… thus the weather satellites???
As for the Eidos cards… I kind of forgot about their instantaneous communication ablity… thanks for reminding me. Originally there was the one from Avon, and three from the drop tanks, but one I assume when “BOOM” when it’s booby trap activated. And at last score check, there was one in Avon’s Computer, which indicates that Mium must have another (to communicate with the Avon Computer no doubt), and there was the ?third? that Peter was disassembling, but he needed to give to Mium for some unnamed purpose, which may be in THIS version of Mium?!?!
The weather satellite gate detector apparently spooked Kor’s World, triggering their first appearance. That probably requires something a bit more than simply monitoring the IDS gates by virtue of having cracked into all of them.
That having been said, by *having* cracked into all of them and monitoring them that way, as well as having cracked into all of the weather sites that the IDS sold Malsa, Peter was likely able to identify the sudden weather pattern shifts that indicated that a site was worthy of probing to distinguish whether it was a mage messing with the weather or a gate.
I think Peter can be assumed to have started out with enough Eidos cards for his needs, up until F5 decided to change allegiance. Once F5 desired full synchronization, he needed an Eidos card, too, which is where Peter’s extra card went. So there’s a second in F8, one in AVon’s lab 5, and one in Peter’s phone. If there’s one in Peter’s phone, there’s one in Miko’s computer. So my personal count of Eidos cards in team Peter’s possession is 5.
There isn’t one in the phone–MYM controls the communication network.
My count is as follows
1) melded with the implant in Miko’s head. Its why she can walk and doesn’t need a phone to talk to MYM. SEE the Avon rescue. And how bullets shot at her were destroyed.
2) one in the servers in Miko’s lab where most of the main instance is located.
3) in lab 5. This is how Miko was able to translate into the lab so easily
4) One in F8. This is why Mium Efite is not autonmous. The modules create their own mini communication gates
5) one in F11 that’s how her saving and reboot was accomplished. That’s where the one he recovered from the robot went.
I’m up in the air about what’s in Peter’s arm. I think that is something else. Kinda like the button Kardus had but a different function.
MYM normally controls the communication network, but Kor’s World seemed confident that was entirely disrupted. But it is at least an ambiguous situation.
Good thought on Miko’s implant. I’d discounted that idea, based on it not being something that Peter messed with that much. However, thinking about that, it isn’t an Eidos drive card. Eidos drive cards are the remote part of a remote casting rig. Miko’s implant has the local part. As in, she provides the Eidos key that Mium uses so frugally.
No, I’ve no idea what Peter would call the device implanted in Miko, apart from an abomination. But it was very clear from Peter’s explanation that the Eidos drive cards were the part of a remote casting rig where the magic normally happened, and that there needed to be a source for it somewhere.
Your number 5… you mean F10, aka Ila? I know there have been some who have postulated Dr. Mir as F9 or F11, but I don’t think either of those prototype designations have appeared in comic. Also, I’m pretty sure Peter hasn’t put an EIdos card in Dr. Mir.
That said, I’ve realized we missed one. Peter had a reserve Eidos card at the beginning, because without having a backup card in case something went wrong, deliberately breaking one would be far too risky of a gamble. This is how it is that F5 can do the same tricks as F8, and yet Ila was able to be saved to MYM so fast.
Whether that means 5 or 6 Eidos drive cards total depends on whether or not there is one in Peter’s phone.
Whatever is in Peter’s arm is much smaller than an Eidos drive card.
Not convinced Kor’s World were there due to the gate detector; we already know now that a copy of the bridgehead data was on a PACT system and that Kor’s World removed it. There is also the question of how they ended up in a losing disagreement with Fluffy, after Ila’s rifle ran out of bullets…
Kor’s World seem to have rather opaque goals though; we still don’t know what they attacked Central for, other than presumably they got it or they would still be attacking.
I apologize for having miscommunicated.
Peter thought it was possible for the gate detector to have alerted Kor’s World. Therefore, it was not simply monitoring the IDS gates through the compromised IDS computer network, with the satellites as a mere facade. It had to be doing *some* sort of active check. Based on his term ‘ping’, I believe it probes those events that seem gate-like to see if they are, indeed, gates.
Whether or not it actually drew Kor’s World attention or not is irrelevant.
I don’t imagine that they are synced.
I do imagine how many separately functioning pieces there are, and wonder just how much planning Mium put into achieving that. Perhaps he didn’t plan it at all, and is simply that good at contingency planning.