About when you’d finally given up on me, huh? Well, it’s not cancelled just yet anyway.
Well… comic!
Been really busy and stuff. I think later in the year I will switch to a shorter-but-weekly format, but don’t want to promise anything yet. My loose plan is that I’ll do weekly, but it’ll just be a few panels (half of half a page? Since these comics aren’t really half a page anymore with the new format). I thought about the opposite, going back to a full page which would be double what we currently get, but doing updates even more rarely, but I think that runs the risk of getting delayed more.
Not sure, but feel like somewhat more consistent would be better. Still thinking on it, but will busy for at least this month still. We’ll see what things look like later in the year between readership and my schedule. Book is finally almost finished printing for my day-hobby-job, but that currently means a lot wrangling, since apparently they need me to explain what pallet to put every damn book on (…some exaggeration, but not much).
Will aim for the next comic to be two weeks from now as normal though.
No comic this week, will aim for next week.
Hey Folks-
One more week without a comic. This semi-hiatus should be coming to end and comics should resume more normally (such as they were ever on a normal schedule), but I’ve said that before, so… grain of salt and all.
What are *your* favorite web comics to read?
Give us something to do while we wait patiently for the next installment!
I am now very curious about Mari’s invasion of Kally’s personal space and repeatedly calling her pretty. Is- is she trying to steal her brother’s girlfriend?
Meanwhile, someone in a high and fancy sounding political position has Peter exactly where Peter wants him. Sooner or later they’re gonna learn, but they clearly haven’t yet.
Oh, well, I’m going to be that guy… In Peter’s last speech bubble, it should be “embarrassment”.
Absolutely wonderful comic and well worth the wait.
PLEASE don’t go back to the old format. Needing to squeeze the comic into a fixed format could be frustrating. You have freed yourself from the prison of fixed borders. Stay free please!
I thought at first it Mr Carrier of the fanciest stick, but it can’t be him. New NPC?
Mr Carrier of the fanciest stick IS the holder of the fifth seat of Evron. Perhaps Peter is speaking to the head of Evron?
OK, now I’m pretty sure that’s actually Mium running a personality emulation; I don’t think the real Peter would admit to anyone how close his relationship with Kally is getting…
Maybe not normally, but if it would knock someone off their game in the direction of his plan then he would. Possibly also to piss them off if that wouldn’t hurt his plan.
Getting close? I thought they were already close and basically took a step back. This feels like they are merely stepping back to where they were before.
Peter being a smarmy bastard is always such a treat. Hope you are doing well and thank you for another page.
Wooo! Two weeks of comic in one hit! You do realise, this panel could be carved into four updates… one cut just after “prettiest witch”, next after “studies of Malsa seem incomplete”, and the last one at “I should have gone immediately”. That would leave each ‘update’ with a punchy line as the end, and more than enough content for the rumor-mill to kick in.
Fifth seat? Do I smell the head of the Ervon society? Do we even know who that is??? Do we actually know anything about them?!?