Comic for Monday, June 14th, 2021
A comic!
So, this is the first comic drawn on the new computer… there is still some set up to do, and somethings may look odd. Not quite fully set up so some improvised step. But it is way better. Crashed zero times during the drawing, and export it was down from the computer locking up for am awhile to a few seconds. Everything is working much better. But man was it hassle to get this set up… lot of things needed to end up being replaced, and, of course, migrating computers is a hassle of lost fonts and file transfers that’s still in progress.
Plus, in the process of reinstalling, I had to update all the version updates I’d been avoiding. All my drawing programs are different have changed stuff and moved stuff now. And as we all know, new and different is always worse. But I am figuring it out it.
These next few weeks are still going to be quite busy, but I currently think we’ll get comics for the month. I’d like to say I’ll be drawing more again with the new computer since it works so much better for it, but not sure I can promise that this month yet.
By the way; someone reported they encountered a redirect on my website (like the spammy ad kind); if you’ve encountered anything of the sort, please drop my an email. If that’s a more widespread issue with my site, I’d like to know and I’ll go talk to the web host security folks again. I have not been able to reproduce it though.
having internet problems again?
I just had my phone’s ad blocker prevent a redirect and pop-up.
Looks like something malicious is being injected somewhere.
uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading:
[link removed]
Because of the following filter:
Found in: EasyList
Disable strict blocking for
That poosoahe link redirects to which then asks to install an ad blocker. Sounds like a malicious scam. I always immediately leave sites that pop up any kind of install permission question.
While I don’t have a problem with the text being too small (or any redirects), I’m not on a phone. Anyway, fourth and eighth panels have text running off of the image. It’s still understandable, but still.
Heh. “No need to harm her.” Buddy, I sort’ve expect being fed your own arms will be less embarrassing than the asskicking your group is about to receive. And she’ll play no small part, I’m sure.
Or maybe ILA will try something new like form a shield turn it sideways and cut off head shoulder and arm … OH! Wait … that’s already been done. LOL I hope she never gets her face splattered with human blood and decides it is tasty food!
Just realized that Saldur’s days may be at an end. In panel 3, Eliana says “The Consul wants a Family head alive to be put on trial. We cannot afford that to be you, Saldur.” There may be a hidden meaning there. Maybe Eliana terminates Saldur because she feels he is too dangerous to be left alive. Stupid Tefzarin who ordered “restrain the child” (Ila) might be lucky and live.
Nothing hidden about it, that is Eliana’s and Ardunni family plan backed by Mium. Illa is complaining that Tefzarin is to stupid to let live.
Eliana’s meaning about Saldur wasn’t clear to my old mind until I read the comic for about the third time. I knew ILA thought Tefzarin was the dumb one. Daelia is the one Tefzarin ordered to “restrain the child (ILA). Ever heard of biting of more than one can chew? LOL ILA is in a mood to whack them all… even offering to level a building or a few. She looks really angry in the last panel.
Angry? Well, yeah. The implication is that being of the Ardunni family is reason to kill for these folks. Ila’s only can’t-help-it friend is of just that family … yeah, she’s angry.
Panel 2:
You may want to consider changing “lose” to either:
“loose” (“You’re too valuable to be loose in this”),
“lost” (“You’re too valuable to be lost in this”),
“loosed” (“You’re too valuable to be loosed in this”), or
remove the infinitive, making the sentence read, “You’re too valuable to lose in this.”
Which one you choose depends on your meaning, but “be lose” has GOT to go.
Panel 2: “You are too valuable to lose”
I already want the next panel!!!!! Please.
also explain excise to me, I feel like that should be a different word or something but I don’t actually know if or what.
Excise used here means to remove with surgical precision.
ok, thank you.
On the May 31st strip I commented: Let’s see how they react when the elevator opens. My bet is on “Momma always said, stupid is as stupid does”.
Yup, stupid is happening. Their sentries, surveilance and elevator bomb were neutralized and they still think they have a chance against the dynamic trio. They didn’t realize Eliana was coming. They don’t appear to have a clue about Mium’s capabilities. And now, one of them is instructed to “restrain the CHILD”!!! That CHILD is perhaps the most powerful of the three and she does not have Mium’s “defect” of not being able to kill directly… and it looks like a scowl on her face in the last panel.
Gonna go with “play stupid games, win stupid prizes”
I am using an iPad to read and get redirects when hitting the “next comic” button. This particular redirect does open the next week’s comic, but also opens a new tab with the redirect.
Great comic, BTW. Thoroughly enjoying it!
Interesting. Do you get redirected trying to comment to? Others have reported they had to turn off JavaScript on their iOS device to leave a comment.
Trying to figure out what this could be – if folks are getting redirected, I’d like to try to fix it, but so far I haven’t been able to get the issue to see what’s going on.
Not getting redirects here at all. Using Asus laptop and Firefox browser. Also, “reply” worked with a single click.
I’m getting redirects trying to see previous pages as well, on an android phone. Seems to only trigger once per visit, though.
Panel 5 should be “My cousin here is MOST efficient that way.”
Fixed; thanks
it could be just compensation for a lot of text, but that text is coming out very small… i had to zoom in to read anything…
Should be fixed now; this was a side effect of the change over, I hadn’t realized it was shrinking the text.
I’m getting redirects, at least on mobile. Whenever I tap anything not a link. I had to disable JavaScript to be able to enter any text in this comment field.
As for image quality, the text seems quite blurry in comparison to previous strips.
I don’t think its blurry — just a much smaller font, which makes it harder to read. I would prefer the font size from previous pages.
When you scale the image up enough to easily read the text, it’s blurry due to compression artifacts. Those are new: the previous comic doesn’t have artifacts like that because it’s a png rather than a jpeg.
Looks like the image has been replaced with one with a larger font. Also I see the reply bug still exists.
Interesting; this is what has been reported, but I am unable to reproduce that. I’ll talk to my web host, but I’m a little mystified. My current best guess is maybe there is an issue that only effects older iOS devices? Do you read any other wordpress/comic press comics, and do they work as normal?
As for the text size, that should be fixed, or at least better. That was a result of the new computer set up – the new monitor has a drastically different resolution than the old one, and I didn’t quite realize how the new version of photoshop was working. Between the two, I thought the text size was the same, but it was clearly not.
I’m using Android, and tried multiple browsers on my phone. All the same.
I haven’t had any trouble on desktop environments with any redirects, even when I try going into mobile emulation mode with developer tools.
I don’t think I’ve seen it in any other comicpress sites either.
Very much thank you for updating the text size. And hopefully you can find where the issue is. I do like checking up on things on my phone.
Android 10 using Firefox and today I just got a redirect when using previous comic button.
Upon closing that tab and coming back to the comic. I went forward and was prompted if I wanted this site to be able to open pop ups. After denying I have had no further issues navigating or posting
I LIKE this girl, she really knows how to lay on the menace.
Trash talking seems to be an important part of fights between mages, most of the fights we’ve seen have had a lot of people being surprisingly talkative, usually by putting down the capabilities of the other side.
In this case it is mostly target selection and rules of engagement. The families view family conflicts as a series of one on one duels, even if that custom is observed more in breach than observance. So who fights whom and in what order is important :).
As to Saldurs tactical mistake, Mium’s talents are strongest at short range, Illa’s are best at longer ranges
Is Tefzarin really making that mistake? Or is he using someone else as decoy to get out of the (inevitable) line of fire?
Also new font is a bit hard to read, is that a must or a most in the last text bubble in the bottom left panel?