Comic for Wednesday, December 2th
Been a long time since we’ve seen this fellow. I imagine it’s days like this that have contributed the whiteness of poor Arron’s hair.
Sorry that the page is a little late. Next wednesday’s update I should be back home, so we are the on the home stretch of this try-to-update-while-on-vacation thing. So… should be getting better!
AI (artificial intelligence) doesn’t really mean much on it’s own – in the real world or the comic world. The problems (and the perks) kick into high gear when an AI becomes adaptable – notably, self-adapting. When it detects and fixes problems it encounters. That’s when it really starts coming down to purpose and flexibility.
I wince every time Arron says one of their names… my rule is supposed to be once we have their name they go on the character page, but it’s sort of fallen behind. It’s on the to-do-when-I-get-home-list!
Also, I think Arron may swear more than most any other character in the comic so far. Though that might just be the sort of day he’s having.
you got the dates mixed up. it says Wednesday, December 12th. not the 2nd.
Haha, a good catch, thanks. Was getting a little ahead if myself, what can I say I’m just a forward thinker! :p
SMAIs on both sides, huh? I wonder if Mium can corrupt and/or co-opt his Kor’s world counterpart.
No wonder the bad guys are so spooked. ^^
I’m waiting eagerly for Kally’s take on events.
Admittedly we are in a bit of a sea of speculation and half truths here, but they aren’t all wrong. Mium is definitely at a disadvantage under his current rules, but neither are truly unleashed SMAI, hopefully we never see one if those…
I don’t think you’ll have long to wait till we see Miss Summers again…
At least plot bouillabaisse
Haha. Now I’m imagining what seasoning each character is…
Peter is definitely garlic, S.A. Otte is flounder, Kally is crab, Naomi is pepper…. ^^
Haha, this’ll be some… interesting… flavors of plot at the rate we are going… :p
And the plot begins to thicken.
I hear if you simmer your plot soup long enough you get a nice plot stew.