Comic for Monday, May 25th
I’d actually planned to put more information about Peter here, but it just didn’t fit. Sorry about all the words! From the start this was supposed to be the point where the reader particularly learns who Peter is, but I think we’ve developed a bit of that already so it’s not the end of the world that we only get the outline of what he’s done here.
Trying to up the art quality in little bits and pieces. I’m drawing a lot more now; while that doesn’t mean any radical changes overnight, hopefully it will start to get better. The sketchbook picture will be updated fairly frequently in the coming weeks; so be sure to check it out occasionally; I should also have a new vote incentive up by the time this goes live!
I’m still working out what to do; I have rebuilt the buffer, and redrawn Page 2, check it out in its new glory* (*glory may not be included) – I will probably intermittently try to update the old pages in order. I’ve been holding off as I don’t think updating them my current level is that useful, but it’s more practice I guess.
Still looking at things to expand into; at the present time I don’t think I’ll run a second comic (either Print! like or another story). If start one than ended up having to take work on the side, I’d have to let it go, and I don’t want to do that.
As a remember, we still have a Patreon bonus till the end of the month – any new Patreon will result in a bonus page uploaded for the comic! (on the first day that would otherwise not have an update)
esponiage -> espionage
Raher replying -> rather than
Rereading again and i think there may be an error in the last panel second bubble’s second sentence, it should start:
“Rather than replying to…”
Rather than just “Rather replying to…”
Another pointless nitpick but the apartment was a different number when Kalli was there in this comic.
This is a good catch. I believe that is a mistake. I’ll have to double check if there is a reason there, but given how similar they are suspect it’s just wrong
Just caught up the end of the comic.
Great comic. A bit confused though, is IDS a corporation or not? They don’t seem to work for the government (Bureau?).
Hi – there is a bit more information about stuff like that on the about page here. Short answer though, no – they are an agency for a different government than the Bureau (which is the Malsan Bureau of Affairs).
The IDS has a “Corporate Affairs” branch that negotiates with larger corporations, and is behind PACT (an trade agreement that limits inter-dimensional trade and strongly regulates competition in these markets; also serving as an uneasy alliance between most of the major corporations of the setting – include Exced, Avon, and others that haven’t been named yet).
This is a bit of a role reversal, here. Is Kally’s response an instinctive reaction to headquarters meddling, or does she have some residual protective feelings toward Peter? She’s very angry at him, but she did’t try to kill him, so she’s not THAT angry, at least. ^^
Aaron’s willingness to give Peter up is a little more surprising, but I notice that most of what he reports is stuff that Agent Otte should already know. He could be appearing to comply while giving no real help.
The word bubbles in panel 3 are laid out in an interesting manner. I started reading before I scrolled all the way to the bottom of the image, so I was a bit disoriented. When I saw the connecting links, however, things got a lot clearer. ^^
She has fairly conflicted feelings on Peter, but at very least there are few questions she wants to ask him before he gets ground to a fine paste or locked in a dark hole; ranging from “wtf?” to “do you know who stole the Bridgepoint data?“; also branch rivalry – she and Arron are Criminal Investigations branch, having someone detained by Corporate Affairs and Headquarters is sort of embarrassing.
And yeah – the order there is a bit weird as it breaks the top->bottom order, but I couldn’t find anything that worked better. I figured it would be confusing to order that many bubbles either way, so connecting them was the best bet and didn’t want to cross the character with a bubble tail.