Comic for Monday, March 20th
To be honest I’ve changed the president of Arpon’s name several times in my notes. I think this is the first time I’ve written out his name in the comic though. If not, oops. Arpon has a President, Malsa has a Consul, and Resh has Chief Minister, so it’s possible I will get these confused occasionally. I will try to not go too far down the rabbit hole of fictional political systems.
To be fair, I get the feeling that everything Peter might have submitted on an expense report would have been for the sake of messing with Arron, and considering I suspect he left them all to Kally or Query to do, there was probably something lost (or gained) in translation there.
“You and I are mages, Weber. We use magic to overcome physics. He is a magician. He uses tricks to overcome rationality“.
Just re-reading, and this line is just so, so good I felt I had I say that. Seriously this line has so many levels of amazing. If I could have wrote an essay breaking down this line, English class would have actually been interesting, there is just so much there.
‘Kay. Nope. Hafta ask.
What the hell did he do to have an expense report ofthat?! (Not the details behind how such noodle implements were used, obviously. The use of the means should remain a mystery (they’re noodle implements for a reason)…but what was the end?)
Peter might always be a step ahead, but at least Tyler and Kally can follow pretty clearly. A combination of knowing Peter and that he cannot quite grasp how to sound innocent…
I do wonder what Kally wants to talk to talk to Peter about. The list of possibilities is almost endless.
I bet they are going to talk about flavours of ice cream.
The IDS must not have a very good internal financial audit, or Peter wouldn’t have gotten away with the mouse trap.
She only said ‘pretty sure’, the alternative is that only the mouse trap mattered and the rest of the order was the joke. This is Peter after all.
He probably actually did acquire all of the listed items, and simply didn’t actually use them all for the stated project. Just to make it that much trickier for people to guess exactly what he did with it all.
So how much of this did Malsa already know? It seems they are prepared to act on this, and were maybe already planning to act on this?
Will be interesting to see what Malsa’s actual plan in this is. They seem to be prepared to work with Peter, but will they be on the same page (whatever page that is?).
PS: Thanks for the new avatar!
Excuse me while I giggle for the next several minutes because of panel 5. And panel 4’s first half does seem to pretty much anyone who works in information for every single time they meet Peter. Even if he just sits there staring at a wall, they will be convinced that there was some plot behind it. (Why? Panel 5. And first bubble of panel 7.)
Man, usually we get to watch fireworks when Peter’s in the room. Now there’s fireworks setting off other fireworks while doing circles around everyone’s heads. (And every single last one of the fireworks is dead quiet, and nobody can figure out why. ^.^) I love this stuff.
(PS: Missing a period after mouse trap. *giggles at the panel anyway*)
“Peter Kepler, the Eye of the Hurricane”.
They kept track if his purchases, but do they know what of that he put in I.D.S. inventory? Trying to figure out what he’s doing when he’s added a bunch of red herrings to his supply list is like trying to assemble a jigsaw puzzle that has extra pieces. ^^
Won’t Kally be surprised when she finds out what Query is up to these days?
“Eye of the”….what?
Here I figured Peter for having the hurricane as his cover story, and he’s a tornado. Which of the six currently spawned by that hurricane….well, probably whichever one is dealing the second most amount of damage at any time. (First place would make sense since it’s Peter, and wrecking rationality is a specialty of his, but first place would also be too obvious, and he’s a big fan of hide-and-seek.)
I bet the real problem with the jigsaw puzzle is the extra pieces still look like they belong to the puzzle, and he stole a couple of the pieces, too, and you have to figure out the pieces that don’t belong before he’ll give the other ones back. (And you probably finish to find out there was a time limit, too. Which, of course, you get nowhere close to par time.)
And with everything you said I will hold out hope for Peter to meet the one person that can solve the puzzle without the correct pieces. Just so I can see the look on his face when he meets a living spanner that loves to jump in the cogs of plans.
Don’t forget, Peter uses M.Y.M. as an insurance policy to prevent that very thing.
So far the only person I’ve seen that might fit that particular bill, and who is not already on his team, is the hacker girl who dyes her hair teal, and I think she’s still pretty traumatized by her experiences at Avon. ^^
The eye of the hurricane is dead calm, but wherever it wanders, total chaos ensues all around it, and people and things are swept along in the turmoil. There have been a few exceptions, but most of the time Peter is pretty calm about things, and has contingencies stacked many layers deep to help keep things going his way.
Actually, the biggest problem with the jigsaw puzzle is that Peter is constantly modifying it, and never leaves it alone long enough for people to make any meaningful progress on solving it. And, yeah, every piece looks like it should fit somewhere. ^^
That’s that genius of it: they do apply. Everything applies somewhere. The vast majority of it applies in his contingency plans that never see the light of day. It’s not that he uses red herrings, it’s that he turns real plans into red herrings as soon as anyone gets too close. And he can do that because he has SO MANY FREAKING PLANS!!!
Think about: Why would he waste time and energy on things that he knows he’ll never use (red herrings)? It makes far more sense for him to over-plan specifically for the purpose of turning real plans into red herrings… It’s almost Zanatos Speed Chess, except that he planned the match out before his opponents ever sat down…
He is calm, but he and his plans wreak utter havoc, and nobody can figure him out.
Personally I think of that list, nothing is extra. I can come up with an almost plausible explanation/scenario, but I really want to know what aired in the slot. It would tell me if he wore one or both of the suits.
Sounds a bit like a Sherlock Holmes episode.