Comic for Thursday, September 6th, 2018
I had originally planned on doing a page or two more between Arkady and Kardus, but that was probably taking a little too much time on that little sidetrip. Skipping that isn’t really fair to Arkady and some people may wonder why the tank is back unburied by rubble, but that’s dots I think people can probably connect on their own. If spend page time on every character doing everything, we’d still be on like day 1.
Little bit behind on the buffer, but Monday’s page is done, and it’s a double page, so there’s that. It seems like I will have a couple days off the weekend after next, and maybe the weekend after that, so that’s currently earmarked for buffer expansion; till then we will just try and stay ahead of live.
The company I work for got bought out, but I don’t really expect that is going to change my life. My opinion of this will be entirely determined by how much they buy out my options for, because I am a mercenary like that.
Mium’s new favorite thing to use to shoot things.
I’m quite sure he’s going to be rather peeved about that.
the color salmon is based on the inside of the fish after it’s been properly cleaned out.
Hmmm I thought this was the joke that “salmon” is both a color and a fish? Sorry, english is not my first language so maybe I am not correct. Mium says “salmon”(the color) probably talking about Arkady’s hair, but sister Ila does not understand because she thinks “salmon”(the fish), probably because Palindra probably does not even have salmon, so it is probably not a common term there? Ila probably would only know because she would want to eat them as they are “tasty food” haha. Maybe I am overthinking it but usually there is no such thing as overthinking in this comic haha.
No, you have it right. That is the joke that “salmon” is both a color and a fish. It’s just not instantly apparent she is talking to Mium, but I think its pretty clear you’re right about that too.
I had not considered that salmon probably don’t exist on Palindra. Could just be part of the comic translation though, as none of them are actually speaking English (despite maybe when they speak Central).
The term ‘kipper’ for a smoked herring comes from ‘copper’, because of its colour… and originally meant smoked salmon rather than smoked herring…
Oh. Crap.
I.L.A. = Sister.
Sister = Close family / relative.
Close family / relative = covered under special exemptions to many control protocols that everyone involved would rather not have M.Y.M. override anytime soon.
Kardus = f@#@$%ed
5d chess conspiracy theory – Mium didn’t send Ila to save Arkady, he sent Ila to get in trouble next to Arkady so he had he could interfere without permission?
It had to be included somewhere in the list of possible outcomes, for sure.
Expectation: This will be fun.
Someone isn’t ready for whats about to happen, thats for sure. Ila probably. Kardus likely. Everyone in close range (for a very questionable definition of close) of Kardus, definitely not.
So, Ila, pro tip: when a Orish warmage says he has been warned against fighting you, but he was given something in case you showed… blast him with everything you have that won’t cause collateral damage that could injure your friends. Just saying.