Comic for Thursday, August 3rd
Hmmm, well, the split narrative make sense to Mium. Not my fault if humans find it confusing…
Nathan’s use of an incantation for magic is more of a formality than necessary. Classic natural mages often did it to help them build them structure their calculation, but realistically most mages that would need the help just use an autocaster now.
That said, calculations built more methodically (properly written to form) can in some cases have more potent effects in their ability rewrite hyle (refers to matter or “basic substance of everything” in some irrelevant old models of philosophy. I think it literally means “wood” or something in ancient Greek, but I’m a Latin-studies sort, my ancient Greek is not great, I mean, I barely make it through modern English, so…). Etymologically, you don’t really need to know anything besides that it will typically refer to not-eidos insofar as the comic is concerned. That said, most people would just call not eidos “matter” or “reality” or other less arcane words.
They are not, necessarily, however, more powerful – for example, mages we’ve seen like Kally, Ila, and Rovak all write their calculation directly (resulting it being incredibly fast) and we’ve seen them use very powerful magic that way. I’ve historically played a little fast and loose with the colors of calculation manifestations (though made them almost always blue), because their really just my attempt at something I can draw better than how I originally envisioned the magic calculations being depicted.
I could go into far greater depth, but we’d go down the rabbit hole again The rabbit hole on the different ways to cast magic goes really deep.
Anyway… I’ve babbled enough when I should be hard at work drawing the next page, fixing the character pages, writing the bonus comic, or something.
I would use “you could be assured of your hope”, but that may be nitpicking.
First i’m guessing the time Peter was trying to catch a kill bot intact was where Peter/Muim got the other one(s)
Second, “the project” Nathan mentions, hmmm…
Here is my conjecture:
The project he refers to was an attempt by the IDS to create a SMAI that went… badly. I’m guessing that the AI in question is ANGL-01010014. My main evidence is ANGL-01010014’s dangerous sounding directive, as well as conservation of detail.
It also brings up the curious question where Muim could have picked up the habit of wearing that blue scarf. I would rule out Query because he cant wear a scarf. I would rule out F-8 partly becauseback on This page when Query and F-8 appear in the background F-8 is not wearing the scarf. Also F-8 apparently “was worst” and didn’t really exist as an AI so I don’t see it having much personality. I don’t know much about MYM as a lab assistant, but i’m guessing it didn’t involve wearing many scarfs. F-5 can also be ruled out as Muim was wearing the blue scarf before merging with F-5. This would seem to rule out all the AIs that Muim is a known composite of except the relatively unknown ANGL-01010014.
On how this may have happened my only real idea is that it probably involved Peter being his usual irresponsible self.
Also a scarf Link
Oh how I wish to know if this sass was truly intentional on Mium’s part, or if it’s just (to him anyway) how he talks anyway.
Because then I could say he’s the comic’s King of Sass and that nobody would be able to take it from him. (Because he just makes it sound so natural.)
I mean, panel….8, he’s got more snarky sass than regular words, assuming you even count that middle bubble as regular words.
Also, Kally’s rather panicked expression in that second to last is interesting, too. Almost like she’s worried, even though it’s highly likely “Query” would still survive, though perhaps she’s not aware of that.
I’m leaning towards Nathan’s guess being correct, but his attack/countermeasures/whatever he’s trying now to be not as effective as he’s expecting.
To me it is the “…” before “Mr. Carrier of the Fanciest Stick” that makes it pretty certain Mium is deliberately screwing with him. There is a slight extra pause compared to his usually speech pattern. Also, there is pretty much no way Mium could consistently produce the level of snark he does by accident.
I am very curious what project Nathan is referring to. My mind leaps back to the Shinoji project which was an earlier attempt at creating artificial keys. It is reference that the project (ultimately to use magic to create unlimited free energy) failed, not how it failed. With the possible context, suddenly it sounds like sort of like potentially a supervillian’s plot foiled by Nathan. Just a possible connection.
Another one here that just finished the archive. I think a bit under 2 weeks.
Nicely done.
Quit apologizing, it is bad form unless there is a specific, clearly identifiable wrong committed.
Welcome. Please feel free to join the conversation.
That being said, however, this is one of those webcomics where you need to read everything in the “About”, “Characters”, and “Setting” menus. This strip is a bit unusual in that you should also read all of the reader comments and the “Contact” menu as well (you’ll see). This is one of the most engaged communities I’ve seen, and i see a lot.
Thanks for encouraging @PastUtopia to not apologize so much–it won’t work, but thanks.
Hey, thanks.
I apologize because I tend to over-promise and under-deliver, which is the opposite of where a content creator should be.
While ultimately the comic is a hobby for me, it’s (perhaps incredibly) become content people enjoy and ultimate some people pay me for. Considering that, I guess I feel responsibility for the quality being better and the delivery of extra content being more consistent than perhaps meshes up with my available time and skill level.
Anyway… I do appreciate the comment, and hope you continue to enjoy
Thanks Delta-V. I have read the bonus (?) material and it is as useful and enjoyable as you claim. I’ve also enjoyed your comments!
@PastUtopia, there is still a patreon option to request a sketch? Ila firing the big gun… I can send photos of a particular weapon as a reference…
I usually am always taking suggestions for sketches, though I don’t make a guarantee when it’ll get done unless it’s part of a Patreon reward. You can reply here, or on the contact page you can get my email (or just post in the comments there).
Hey, let me know if you had a suggestion, you mentioned a reference and an idea
Hooo boy. Just finished the archive, fuck. Last time I read this comic there was like thirty pages years ago shit. I found this morning again and blew my mind it still existed no offense. Most comics that start like this one did just sort of go away.
First congratulations buddy. The comic has gotten lot better whole different fuckin level. I was learning to draw once shit’s not easy so good job.
Second not going to lie there are a lot of things that are super hard to follow. Maybe cause I’m dumb fuck, but I have a lot of unanswered questions. Maybe you could write a summary or something, just so I would know what I am supposed to know and what is supposed to not know? Just a though.
If you’re interested some feedback lemme know man, don’t wanna just drop that on ya.
Last I have to say overall thumbs up buddy just cause I got to this page and was like shit man that I was out of pages which means you did a good job.
Yeah… it’s a complicated comic. You might want to read the “About” pages including setting and main characters.
Hey, I don’t mind feedback, you can get my email from the contact page.
Thanks for the comment, and welcome to live-updates
Thank you for the kind words.
I will probably actually write (or have written) a summary at some point. While there is quite a bit of the comic that is intentionally left for people to figure out it, helping people catch up or remember the story so far is good idea. There are few things to work out there, as I think it there is a lot of value in what the readers read, as the reader point of view is the important one when it comes to what has actually happened, so I like to be somewhat careful when it comes to giving my point of view on events so far
Well, SOMEBODY’S in for a surprise.
Kally’s response is interesting, as she’s much less threatened by Query than she was by Mium, and in Panel 13, she seems worried about his welfare. Color me intrigued. ^^
She might be worried Nathan’s wellfare. Kally has seen that Mium is in the business of no-selling magic very effectively, and Nathan’s a wizard that seems very confident in his magic.
Kally knows Query. SMAIs are dangerous, and it makes sense to be wary of potentially dangerous unknowns. Now that she’s talked to it a bit she’s realized Mium isn’t really an unknown.
It’s like Peter. Everyone has explicitly stated that he’s an extremely dangerous plotter, but no one in Arron’s department really think’s he’s going to deliberately hurt them.
Heck, I’d put a decent bet on her actually liking Querry. In the flashback bonus comic the AI was more personable than Peter.
Nathan’s probably talking about the AA system. We’ve seen before that it’s able to do stupidly powerful things. I hope no one is actually injured though.
I believe you meant “Wait a moment” (last panel)
Haha, yes. Fixed, thanks