Comic for Thursday, August 24th
Peter does have a bad record with housing. I wonder if there is a special Peter insurance. Guess probably not. No one could afford that.
Peter does have a bad record with housing. I wonder if there is a special Peter insurance. Guess probably not. No one could afford that.
A little late but its wonder not wander in the description. I’m suprised no one noticed earlier.
I think most people (me included) just sort of assume the commentary part is a lost cause
Fixed though
I wander if there is a special Peter insurance. Guess probably not. No one could afford that.
That depends. Is it insurance for Peter to pay for it? They’d be better off to pay it directly. If it’s a regular expense, adding a specific insurance on top doesn’t improve things.
On the other hand, is it insurance for everybody else against Peter using-and-losing your property for housing? Probably quite affordable then. That’s where insurance really shines: when a big risk for a few people is shared among very many people.
That works until one of Peters plans causes an entire city to explode.
As usual, Force Majeure applies. All insurance policies probably include him blowing up a city as an example of force majeure, alongside tornadoes, earthquakes and Kor’s World invasions.
“….some form of slobbering abomination in my hallway…”
*casually tosses grenade*
*continues conversation, with usual sarcasm*
*shatters window*
*continues conversation, with extra sarcasm, and a complaint*
It’s times like this when Arron’s “he’s not a normal person” comment really shines. (I’d say it’s also when he’s most fun to watch, but let’s face it….Peter’s always fun to watch. (From a safe distance and when you’re not involved, obviously.))
All of these characters are great to watch… from a distance.
Rovak! if he was real, I would move out of the count… well that wouldn’t work
I guess I would just be your typical Japanese who prays that godzilla does not step on MY house.
But I wouldn’t stop at Rovak, the entire main cast is scary unstable shit.
The entire premise / presence of IDS is completely intolerable…
Lets just conclude that I am happy to be on this side of the screen looking in.
And that I am on the edge of my seat waiting for the next page.
I am not so sure. I mean, your chance of dying-by-Rovak has to be lower than dying by car crash. Even if the general level of violence is a lot higher in the comic world, it has been implied that medical technology (especially via magic) is vastly better, to the point that most things can be cured.
A world where you can literally program a computer to do magic? I do not know if I could pass that up just because there is a small chance your house gets blown up by crazy mages.
I just love the nonchalance of his grenade toss.
It’s how you toss them when you are exiting stage right and you have everything under control, but really. It’s best we were going, NOW.
Did you also notice that he didn’t look back?
Look it up on TV Tropes. ^^
This is the most disconcerted we’ve ever seen Peter. Things must be quite bad.
Mildly perturbed is a pretty extreme emotional reaction for Peter. Okay, wild theory people, give me a run down the odds that Peter is a prototype.
Assessment: small, but not as small as a theory that wild would seem to be.
I’d give one-in-a-thousand odds, at best, but a theory that crazy I’d normally give around one-in-a-million odds, so not so bad, on the scale of crazy theories?
Peter is an AI creating AI? Not out of the question.
However, Peter has too many human foibles that make it pretty unlikely.
Foibles that are incompatible with program glitches or computers trying to mimic human patterns.
I think we can be fairly sure that Peter was a human at one point. He has a family who do not seem to think he’s an AI, and his sister seemed downright normal when we met her.
That said, there is a non-zero chance that Peter could have been swapped out at some point (or even uploaded his brain into a prototype). If you think about Mir (as we all but know that’s what she did), it seems distinctly possible that Peter could do it to (as it has been implied he worked with Avon at some point, and may in fact be the illusive Doctor Martin – though I personally do not think he is).
More likely though, Peter is fully human. Miko, on the other hand, if we want wild theories… we know that she is at least not fully human (Mium could literally hijack her body via the chip).
Somehow I get the feeling that this is somewhat of a regular occurance to Peter’s group (or just Peter in general)