Comic for Monday, November 9th
I suspect most of us presumably human readers feel some empathy for Ila’s stance. Tasty things are awesome.
This is only the second scene we’ve had of Ila since Mium wiped most of Mir’s system that Ila was presumable linked to… I can’t imagine that event had any effect on her behavior. …
We’ve never seen Mium unlinked from his computer system (ie: just running on the prototype). Though that I bring that up could totally be a red herring, couldn’t it? 😐
I suspect most of you can guess whose talking in the last panel, but I realize the spikey bubble make it almost sort of look like a tail of the bubble is going toward Mium… eh. I’m not very smart about these bubbling things. It’s not Mium talking… 😉
Will put a new vote incentive tomorrow (monday); if you get an idea in before I start drawing it might be your idea!
On another note; I’m looking for ideas on things to add or update on the Patreon front – if there is anything you’d like to suggest (either as a Patreon, something that would make want to be a Patreon, or because you like to share your opinions in general!) feel free to let me know. It’s a cool idea but I admit I’m not always always sure what to do with it.
Really. Why cant it taste like bacon?
Obviously Mium has no taste.
I suspect it’s the difference between “can” taste and “has” taste 😛 (if he eats things at all); needless to say, I suspect most normal people would say you’re correct 😉
oh man Mium and co. may have bitten off more than they were counting on with Ila. They seem to have adopted a fully armed and operational tyke bomb…
OTH I can imagine that Naomi will be a better provider of tasty food… seems like something she would do… ^^ I don’t think Mium understands tasty things ^^
I reckon Mium has a little experience with childish people… 😉
Still, it’d definitely be interesting to see how that one plays out if she ends up hanging around the crew, especially in seeing how often she remembers that technically Mium is her enemy…
Well, this page establishes that no matter what else Ila is, she is a child. 😀
So the F 10 chassis can derive energy from organic materials? Interesting. That makes me wonder about Mium, since I don’t remember ever seeing him eating anything or plugging himself into a charging station. Solar is a possibility, but he’d need a photovoltaic collector, and ………. WAIT a minute! That’s what it is–it has to be! It also explains why he spends so much time perching on rooftops. I hope I’m right, because that would be such an ELEGANT solution. ^^
The Kor’s World trooper didn’t seem too impressed with Emmi’s efforts–let’s see how he handles truly exotic tech. 🙂
And if those warmongering Korish twerps persist in delaying the meeting between Naomi and Ila, I’m going to become quite cross with them.
Well, previously you were theorizing the scarf was an antenna, maybe it’s a solar-scarf ; that’s why its so flowy for maximum sunlight? 😛
The solider is definitely stronger than the mechs – we’ll see why that is sooner or later (when we see more about what the mechs are 😉 ).
That said… “something is wrong…” 😉
Alternatively his scarf could function as a wind collector. All they would need to do is pull out all of the magnets from those novelty flashlights that you shake for light, then just sew them into the scarf. 😛
Haha – now we are talking, a perfect excuse for maximum flappiness (that should be a word). I have a watch that’s movement powered, just wearing it gives it enough energy to tick along.
I have a suspicion Mium takes a wee bit more energy than my watch though… 😉
Hmm bear with me. [Speculation]
Either Ila is a human somehow put in a prototype container or form exerts influence on function without external influence?
Haha. I like to think I’ve left both clues and red herrings down both routes! It’s a good conundrum because I think both routes are pretty thematic intrinsic to the comic (we’ve seen a handful of people who’ve become less people like as they integrate further with technology, and the whole setting tends to point to the second; the interchange between reality (form) and function (eidos)).
Thanks for commenting! Enjoy the speculation. The insight of the commentators here always impresses me… 😛