Comic for Monday, July 1st, 2019
Is parts of this look a bit weird, it is because as noted in the comment yesterday, i lost my drawing pen. I figured I’d just draw the comic on my Surface tablet, but it’s a bit harder to draw on that one and it doesn’t have the same drawing programs installed, so things got a bit weird.
Anyway, things should be back to normal, as I have a new drawing tablet pen. No idea what happened to the last one.
As noted, this will just be Monday’s comic at this point, as there’s no real point pushing Monday’s to Tuesday, etc, as I’d probably just end up late on the next one.
Happy Fourth July!
I’m pretty sure that means “don’t hurt yourself with fireworks.” Just saying, so you know.
Happy Fourth of July, everybody!
Edit: Um, just thinking about your post a bit more. Did you miss an ‘of’? Or are you suggesting that somebody’s only experienced three prior Julys? The latter doesn’t seem plausible, because there are *five* Julys in my TFSoU archive. Also, it seems a bit belated for wishing someone a happy fourth July experienced… though I suppose not too late.
I was practicing in case I wanted to start my own comic.
Happy Fifth July!
That’s where you drink a fifth. Probably in July. But honestly, by the end of the fifth it’s hard to remember.
SIgn by the road, “Don’t go forth on the fourth with a fifth or you won’t go forth on the fifth.”
^^^This^^^ is awesome.
Ah. Politics. Everyone sits back as Rome burns because they don’t want their name on something that doesn’t have a majority vote behind it, trying to keep their over-paid positions. Sad thing is, other government types are WORSE.
Hmm. Let me be the first to welcome our new President-for-life, Supreme-Emperor, Benevolent Dictator: Peter.
Oh, wait. Sorry. Peter loves bending rules too much to enjoy creating and enforcing them. Hail to whomever is sitting on the throne and to Peter who is pulling strings behind it.
OOH! Emperor Fluffy for Life! I’ll vote for that!
Vote early and vote often. You can stop voting when Fluffy smiles!
I can honestly say that voting will be the last thing on my mind when presented with a smiling Fluffy.
No, no, its one man one vote. Peter is the Man, he has the Vote
….the same Peter who’d also be at least half as likely to ignore the whole thing, thinking it a hassle? Or treat the population as numbers and statistics? Sure, you might get majority survival all the time, but when you’re in the group getting screwed over, you’ll likely be a bit less enthusiastic….
I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s probably one of the better, more logical choices…if only because anyone else who would try for such a position should probably be thrown into a gate to the Sun.
“We gotta protect our phoney-baloney jobs!” Gov. Wm.J. Lepetomaine: see
First panel, last piece of dialogue.
“…about ready to put on his stomping boots” or “…about ready to put his stomping boots on”.
And seen as this is my first comment, wanted to say I’ve been reading your comic for some time. The store is really in depth and wonderful. Love it.
Always happy to hear people are enjoying the comic, and appreciate the correction; thanks!
Panel 7, “It’s fine (to) speak here”
Fixed, thanks
“Your brother sounded like…” near the end of Panel 1.
And… Dan is in for a surprise.
Fixed, thanks
I think; I changed it slight yo “your brother was sounding[…]” which I think is also correct, but we have long since established my grasp on grammar is roughly on par with that of a turnip.
I’m so sick and tired of every one making fun of my man Trump’s grammar! That is so low…
Oh, you said turnip? Oh, er, well, it’s an easy mistake to make….
How about them Mets!
So the yellow coat isn’t just for fashion!
You know, it honestly never occurred to me that people might assume that was just what Kyle decided to wear. I guess the IDS usually doesn’t run around in uniform, so it’s not necessarily an obvious assumption that the Civil Service would. Not all members of the Civil Service wear that, but everyone that wears that is part of the Civil Service.
I think it’s political hazmat gear.
I can’t help but see a raincoat.
Sorry, Tgape, it can’t be political hazmat gear. Politicians have poop that doesn’t stink, nor does it stick on them. Just ask any politician and they’ll tell you that.
Besides, if a politician were to be caught wearing political hazmat gear, the media would crucify them. Half of the media would go looking for whatever stinking mess the politician was attempting to avoid. And the other half would call the politician a coward for seeking to avoid messes.
LOL. Yes, but the poop does stick… just to someone else. Working for the civil service would mean you probably work for a lot of politicians…
I note that the person in the room who is the politician is Councilman Dan Brassford… while Kyle is the one who works for the Civil Service.
Yep. The councillor is wearing a suit. The civil service people get raincoats because that’s where the shit rolls down to. The raincoats even have a mid-body reflective band so the oncoming car can see them better — for aiming purposes.
Personally being in IT, I should wear the same thing. Everyone treats you like dead weight and a business loss center, until something breaks then they think you are inept and they should hire you out to some vendor who only cares that they have something to fix…justifying what you are paying them.
I think you’re into something there. Not sure I’m a big fan of the whole thing targeting aspect though.
Best advice for anyone in IT, change jobs frequently. The pay ends up being much better. And the more someone pays for something, the more valuable they perceive it.