
To save you time… the two people in the first part of the comic are new characters. They are the same ones we partially saw last page, but aren’t previously occurring characters. I mention it because they are unnamed, and one of them I realize retrospectively sort of looks like another character, but that’s just due to art style.

Given how Mari addresses Kally, one may be lead to the assumption that she knew Kally when Kally was young. I would note that’s not the case though; we actually saw in Minus Years the first time Peter and Kally met, and we saw when Peter first left for Palindra in a flashback feature Mari previously. They’ve (clearly) met before, but it would have been after Minus Years. This shouldn’t be a surprise, given we’ve seen that Kally had met Miko before when Miko was still in Central.

I realize typing this that Kally and Naomi would have been speaking in Malsan here, while Mari would be speaking in Central. Since that might matter, I may update the text later with <>; just sort of forget when transcribing it here since its been awhile since it mattered.