Comic for Monday, December 9th, 2024
And the comic returns.
A brief overview of who the people here are:
Minerva Saywood is the Undersecretary of Interdimensional Affairs. We’ve seen her several times, usually talking with Arron Kepler or bickering with the IDS branches. She is part of the Executive Bureaucracy (which are the operational departments of the Council, though have been increasingly autonomous due the the Council being currently less-than-functional).
Frank Marsh we’ve only seen briefly before, and is Councilmember Alex Fairway’s assistant.
Ethan Spencer we’ve seen before, though I don’t think we previously saw his name, is an Sr. Operational Analyst under IDS headquarters.
Atsu Jakin we’ve actually seen a bunch of times, usually being angry. He is the fairly short tempered IDS HQ Director, and a member of the board of oversight.
Marilyn Brook (mentioned but not pictured) is a regional director for IDS S&I (Security and Information). We’ve seen her a good number of times, generally trying to contain the Malsa situation.
Next comic should be 12/23/2024.
2024 Santa Hat Poll is live, may the voting commence!
There will be a comic this week, but not till sometime tomorrow afternoon/evening. It’ll be the last one of the year, but it’ll keep marching along in 2025.
Rock on, brother Past.
@PastUtopia: despite this cuckoo kinda year, I wanna wish you loads of Christmas Cheer.
Same here. Go grab a bottle of Jack!
Ya’ll think you are hilarious, don’t you…

Look that is a hilarious outcome. I don’t think it was completely intentional though.
One does not need to think something, if one knows it. 😉
This shows that there was definitely ballot box stuffing, dead people voting, undocumented “migrants” and collusion with the Russians. Throw out the top three and give the win ti ILA F10.
@Past there is a slight oops in the second to last bubble.
It should be
WE’LL make whatever moves we have TO, to take
Not ‘will’ unless you intended to write out “We will”
The rest of the sentence needs the second TO to make any sense. Try reading it out loud.
I read it as “IT will make whatever moves we have to take … easier …”.
… and I read it as informal speech, so omitting that “it” does make some sense. Makes it harder to parse though. 😉
I think that sentence shifted where it was going while it was being uttered. Some sentences I’ve said have done that from time to time also. I think it started out its life expecting to be something like
“We’ll make the moves we have to make down the line with that little country.”
As it grew, it tried to turn into something like “That little country would really be a lot easier to deal with if it didn’t have a bunch of our civilians parked on it.”
It failed.
I just assumed Atsu had been drinking, as part of formal diplomacy of course, and that was the best he could choke out. The idea was in his head, the implementation was just a bit rough.
You’re correct, of course. All this stress is too much for him. He needs all the help he can get.
I had seen Atsu Jakin on a few previous pages, and had been wondering who he was. (The pages were early enough that they didn’t have tags.) Thank you.
Remember all of that illegal smuggling using gates when Peter started dealing with the MSB. And the fact that Mium took control of all of the gates when authorized by the consul. So our protagonists basically have complete control over the gate system. The mind boggles at the possibilities.
Imagine all of the smugglers, which the IDS claims don’t exist, suddenly being routed to the meeting room in front of Fairway.
Imagine Atsu distributing handouts to the attendees, who upon reading them, realize that they have been handed proof of the various IDS skullduggery.
Excellent comic was worth the wait. The plotters have no idea that Peter went after the Kor’s World carrier two weeks ago. Do they really think they can take on someone who’s girlfriend controls a dragon and who can gate in without being detected. Should we start taking up a collection for their families? LOL
this is peter; having a hammer doesn’t mean using it, he’ll either make it look like he’s juggling soooo many hammers or else conceal the hammer until it’s time to swing one invisibly.
also invisible hammer could be the name of his punk band, were he the sort to assemble one
The pieces are starting to come together here. Peter can derail this entire scheme against him simply by pointing Brook at an actual breach, not necessarily one that he used himself, and he gets to do it in front of enough important people that actually fixing it would need to appear to take priority over harassing him.
just asking but, did you know that you put Fluffy’s name, in the Santa Hat Poll twice?
Past is on Team Fluffy? Does this count as a stacked ballot?
Should we be reading anything into the order of the names? LoL
As always: GO TEAM KALLY!!!!!
If Past adds the two Fluffy vote totals, this should be a Fluffy landslide. Fluffy has 12 votes in total and Ila is a distant second at 5 votes. Hmmmm … who will volunter to try and put the hat on Fluffy?
Past, did you have an oops moment?
It was Fluffy with12 total votes (9+3) and ILA with 5 votes. The second Fluffy disappeared with its 3 votes and it looks like ILA was viven the 3 extra Fluffy votes. It now shows Fluffy with 9 votes and Ila with 8 votes.
I removed the second Fluffy entry, but didn’t combine any votes. Most of the Fluffy votes were double votes, so adding them together wouldn’t have been accurate (people that voted for both Fluffy entries, since poll allows multiple votes).
As for the increase in other votes, I reckon its that we’ve hit the first lunchbreak where the comic is up and more of the readers are catching up and voting. We were at roughly 30 voters total when I removed the second Fluffy entry and now we are up to 38.
Sooooo? You’re biased against those of us who would willingly cheat to promote Fluffy?
I’m not sure if I should feel loved or betrayed. I definitely would have voted for both Fluffy options had I been here to see it.
Thank you for the comic!
I don’t see Dragon’s name in the list any times. Just that nickname he detests so.
I can see why he didn’t like it. It’s not very descriptive. He should be called Scaly.