As is tradition for Interludes… two characters we’ve haven’t met yet. This will probably be a longer interlude, though still seeing how much I’ll condense down or skip.
As is tradition for Interludes… two characters we’ve haven’t met yet. This will probably be a longer interlude, though still seeing how much I’ll condense down or skip.
Comic. While I guess you already knew their names from the character tags, I suppose now you know which one is which.
And the comic returns. A brief overview of who the people here are: Minerva Saywood is the Undersecretary of Interdimensional Affairs. We’ve seen her several times, usually talking with Arron Kepler or bickering with the IDS branches. She is part[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Merry Christmas (probably by the time you see this comic). Or your local winter holiday of choice. Or at least hopefully day off work. So many words this time around. I think as I’ve gotten more used to writing with[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…