Comic for Friday, June 19th
So I changed the bubbles back. Again. Sorry! I originally abandoned the more circular balloons because they took up too much of the picture space. I think that’s less of an issue with the faded balloons, but will continue to experiment in how to minimize the wasted space.
I would like to point out that technically this is not the first time we’ve seen Tyler’s right eye. I’m pretty sure using magic screws with your hair in this universe (it doesn’t – it’s just an idiosyncrasy of how I draw).
The upcoming scenes are going to be a hell of a challenge to draw. I really hope that they come out alright, but either way I’m working on some pretty decent art updates that will start to come into play after or during the next couple scenes.
The semi-transparent balloons start to have contrast readability issues.
Just finished catching up with the story.
I like the premise so far.
On previous pages I’ve notice a consistent confusion in the use of the word “than” when the dialogue required the word “then”.
Thanks for the comment and glad you enjoyed it! I definitely have some issues with non-standard or just non-correct word use here and there; I’m always happy to give it an edit if you give me a heads up when you think something is wrong!
On this page I think I just intended to use a use of the word that apparently doesn’t exist, so I removed it
On other pages who knows – my editing is often a bit weak, sorry! 
Who do I want to win Hmm. Wall ether way this is going to be epic! and panel 1 his look says it all (takes a deep breath lets it out and continues to be stupid) so who else is going to join the free for all that is [[belding??]](don’t know if i spelled that right)
Thanks for the comment!
Stay tuned and we’ll see – but this is just the tip of the iceberg
It’s building* I think your going for, but I’m not exactly the pinnacle of grammar and spelling as the other comments here can attest to
Re: Voting Incentive. There’s a dead giveaway to the character’s identity there. ^^
The more I read this web comic the more intrigued I get. Looking forward to the next one.
Thanks for the comment!
It’s just getting started, I hope it continues to entertain! I’ve learned a lot of about writing and drawing so far, and we have so much left to explore
The expressions are already getting better. Or at least you have the ‘annoyed going on peeved’ expression down ^^
Look forward to seeing even better stuff.
Thank you for the kind comment
I am too!
Yes because clearly this won’t backfire on you wither you succeed or fail…
I have feeling he got sent because he was expendable.
Thanks for the comment!
Haha – it certainly appears that Arron viewed him as expendable. Arron doesn’t seem to have a solid grasp on how little outsiders appreciate (as in, care) that the IDS has multiple branches though. Arron’s willingness to let Otte dive into a fray he didn’t expect good things out of might run a little deeper than indifference though
Ooooh, oooh! Technology vs talent. The popcorn is popping, the butter is melting, and the cola is chilling in a glassful of ice. If this gets any better, I may put some hot wings in the microwave, as well. ^^
Poor Toshe probably couldn’t handle Naomi all by herself, and now SA Otte wants him to take on the cops, too.
Love Otte’s expression in panel 1. I’m looking forward to seeing your new technique.
To be fair… handling Naomi while she is mid punchy-fun-time-rampage is a difficult metric to live up to.
The IDS really doesn’t seem to appreciate that everyone else does not give a shit about their inter-department politics.
I’ll see if I can make it hot wings worthy!