Coming for Wednesday, June 3rd
We continue our comic-a-day. There is a new vote incentive, check it out! And it’s not even a super lazy one this time! A new vote incentive every day? Will the insanity never end?
I’m pretty sure Naomi doesn’t quite understand the word “veto”. I’m not convinced you can “veto” someone deciding “not” to do something. Either way, Peter doesn’t seem to be inclined to debate the point.
Lets play a game! The name of the game is bribery! For every ten comics you (the reader out there) comment on (including and after this one!) I’ll take an art request from you! Art can be a) Character from this comic, b) Fan art for another webcomic, comic, or video game. Offer ends come July (for those counting, at 3 comics (counting this one left this week) and the normal rate of 3 comics a week, that’s 13 comics left… a pretty daunting task to get 10 of them! Of course, if we have Patreon bonus comics or I continue 5 comics a week next week, maybe a bit easier!
In addition, for the time being I’m just leaving the Patreon incentive up (usually I only run it at the end of the month) – if we get a new Patreon, the comic updates an extra time! If you like getting art, Patreon is a pretty easy to request it!
In other news I had my second post-surgery visit with doctors, and while still a little over two weeks from starting physical therapy (god damn this stuff takes a long time apparently) am finally sling free! This may be related to the drastic upswing in art quantity! Just maybe! Apparently Jury duty wasn’t done with me after all – gotta go in again next week. We’ll see how that plays out. I doubt they’ll pick me anyway, but never know. Even if they do I don’t see it disrupting the 3 a week schedule in the short term.
Comment! And voted. Bribery ftw ^^
Guess Naomi wasn’t smiling so Peter didn’t want to disagree -.-
Re: Jury duty” Can you sit for hours without discomfort? Are you on any pain meds? If so, tell them. Either of those should be automatic disqualifiers.
THE NAOMI HAS SPOKEN! THE NAOMI IS NOT TO BE TRIFLED WITH! Even her Voting incentive is badass again. ^^
Speaking of voting, I note with great excitement, that The Far Side of Utopia is only 3 votes shy of being in the TWC top 200! Very good things begin to happen when a comic gets that high, and the higher you go, the more people see you, and the more readers you get. EVERYBODY VOTE!
(P.S. Does this comment section support HTML? I can’t remember if I’ve asked before.)
It does I guess. You can make link with a ref=”link”, and I think bold with strong and italic with em. All of those in the standard <> of course.
I will edit this reply if they don’t work!
Of note, “strong” and “em” are not what I remember html being, so… it’s probably a weird wordpress markup that has some overlap. If there is any particular one you want to know I can check. I know it can do block quotes, links, images, bold, italic, and I think it supports has a “code” tag, so it probably supports any html in there.
And yeah – I was pretty happy last month that we managed to get under 300, now we are in the running for under 200. Part of why I’m doing the daily incentives
I’ve found bribery really to be the best policy.
As for jury duty… I don’t really mind going in that much; I know that it would probably suck, but I’ve never done it and I like doing things I’ve never done. That said… I think they’ll be able to find a reason to disqualify me even if I did get selected. I’m trying not to take painkillers anymore (beyond like aspirin stuff).
Apparently there are different flavors of HTML now. What I’m most interested in are italics and,”If you love The Far Side of Utopia, vote HERE.”
As a late response, I’ve seen comment sections that have links disabled put the link in the “Website URL” field of the comment form, basically “click my name to vote for comic”
That works and is a little easier than html, but you can use basic html tags and wordpress markup in the comments to link in the text as well.
It’ll go to the moderation queue if there is more than two or three links (as that’s what the spam bots do) but I’ll approve in an hour or two usually.
Things like bold, italics, links, strike-through, etc work fine if you just use html markup though.