Comic for Thursday, March 9th
Well, I’d like to point out it’s not per se a wall of text. More like an… island chain of text. Well. Maybe a set of text continents. But there are definitely gaps in it! Still enough I’m sure dumb-up the spelling and grammar somehow π
I think this is probably a good comic to show the Map once more (click for full size).
I don’t guarantee map accuracy. I am not a cartographer, but it maybe helps to keep track of who-the-hell is who when we wade into the political mire. Resh has been on the losing end of wars with Orin for longer than living memory at this point, as they previous generations of military magic advances have favored Orin for sometime now. Historically Resh relations with Malsa have been fairly good, though mostly because Resh is always fighting to the North and needs someone to buy stuff from. Historically this involved material and foods, but with Malsa becoming a major player in many of the imported new technologies (like autocasters), their relationship is evolving – Malsa is suddenly something Resh may view as a rival… or an opportunity, given the right conditions.
Have you voted in the poll below? It is a poll of… well, no importance whatsoever, but hey, pictures! Surprisingly Monk is the lead, guess that’s a good thing since it means the original stands, but we’ll see. Pretty sure Naomi will finally lose in this one… π
Just to update ya’ll, Monday’s comic will be closer to Monday EoD than Monday Start of day… π
Ended up working this weekend unexpectedly and didn’t have my shit together in regarding buffering and time management! Will be up sometime tomorrow though.
They really should’ve picked up on the emphasis on “We.”
Just to update ya’ll, Monday’s comic will be closer to Monday EoD than Monday Start of day… π
Ended up working this weekend unexpectedly and didn’t have my shit together in regarding buffering and time management! Will be up sometime tomorrow though.
Peter: “According to my “sources”, he’ll be…too “tied up” to come to the meeting.”
Kally: “Did you kidnap him, Peter?”
Peter: “Obviously not. I’ve been standing here the entire time.”
Kally: *looks unimpressed with his excuse*
“Let me rephrase. Did you have him kidnapped, either through your own action or that of someone else influenced by you?” -Kally
“… I mean, ‘influenced by me’ is such a broad term…” -Peter
“Did you tell someone to kidnap him?” -Kally
“That would take someone with an unreasonably large amount of resources.” -Peter
“That’s not answering the question.” -Kally
“… We’re getting off-track. Let’s get back to the plan, shall we? So, as I was saying, there’ll be an ambassador…” -Peter
I’m pretty sure given her experience with Peter Kally would assume that evasiveness means yes. Or which ever option could put more heat on Peter.
Something like this:

I for one am happy to see the politics come into focus a little. It is a little hard to believe that the powers that be would just ignore some of the shenanigans that have been going on. I do worry that one plot thread too many means it will be a long time until we see some of the more interesting ones.
Miko clearly had more development to go after syncing with Mium, and something regarding meeting Mir. The Avon situation and Ryn meeting Mir, and maybe any explanation of anything going there (ranging from Tealy the Super Secretary to what is Mir or what they are actually researching). What happened to Rovak and his crew.
The last panel makes me wonder if it is possible for Rovak and the F family to be related. I think it is their lack of concern (?? or something) when about to do something general society frowns upon.
i would say that Rovak is slightly different because he has active glee at the thought usually. The F family is just indifferent as fuck.
I think for Ila, things like that are just abstract. Shes not really know or care who a head of state is, even if she technically knows what it is. Kidnapping one would basically be the same as painting a fence to her.
MYM on the other hand, emotion is something that it is calculated. Why would he get worked up over it? That’s just inefficient.
One that that has been bugging me is why are the not talking via IM. We know that they can talk without using words to each other, they did the first time they met, but we literally never see them talk that way again. Seems like a) they wouldn’t bother using actually verbal words, and b) probably not something you want to talk about out loud.
I always find these threads fascinating. And your comments elucidating.
This is my answer as to why they are talking:
a)Biological need for talking. Just because their intelligence is alternate, does not infer that they are all that different biologically from other people in this dimension. The effects of talking aloud to the biological being may be just as beneficial as to other people.
b)Why shouldn’t you talk out loud about that? Because people might hear and try to stop you? And wouldn’t that just liven things up?
c)I am not, yet, convinced that AI’s are created in a lab. They may be brought from another dimension and “crafted” rather than “created.” Some AI are Artificial Intelligence, but some AI may be Alternative Intelligence, only.
The last panel makes me wonder…
“According to my sources” means, that my sources are being sent right now to abduct said head of state, so that someone else will have to go in his place.
Huh, I thought Peter genuinely intended to aid Malsa this whole time, even though it’s only one objective of many. Then again, he’s not very transparent about his objectives and Taylor might be wrong.
Who’s the green-haired character on the far right of the scene? Just an unnamed extra?
I think Tyler’s statement is fair from Tyler’s point of view. Peter is clearly sarcastic when he talks about being a concerned citizen and so forth. That said, I do not think it is any real insight into Peter’s plans. I doubt Peter is entirely ambivalent to Malsa, just for the fact that Naomi is helping him. Naomi knows more about his plans than we do, and she is pretty clearly pro Malsa, and still helps him (when she could have just ditched for MSB if all she wanted was adventure and punching things).
I do not know who the green haired character is either. I think the first we have seen her is last page. Originally I thought she was someone we saw back at the Avon arc with Tyler who had the same hair color, but their skin color and face shapes are pretty different, so I do not think we have seen her before. Though to be fair we have not seen many of the students, and knowing this comic and PastUtopia, there are only unnamed extras from our point of view.
Yeah, we haven’t met her yet. She’s sort of a satellite character of Tyler’s arcs, so we’ll see if she comes into more focus at some point or not.
Just watch, the poll will end in a tie and Naomi still won’t have (strictly speaking) lost to anybody.
I know that I am in the minority with Naomi not being my favorite character, but I do not really think it counts if she loses to herself.
I am surprised that the one with less boobs is winning though. It is possible I have underestimated the Naomi fan base. Or else people just really like Monks and there are more D&D players than I thought.
she seems more like a monk to me with ki and super sppeed, why i voted. plus she is cuter in that one. “i am happy” smile vs “i cut smash things” smile.