Comic for Thursday, December 20th, 2018
on December 20, 2018
at 1:10 am
Ila… 😐
So we should have buffer across the holidays, so everything should update as normal. There will be the Santa Hat Winner, but that’ll put up as free drawing on patreon or vote incentive or both.
There will be an update to Tyler’s story before Christmas. Not sure what else will be up this month. I’ll talk about plans in more detail in the next year, but I don’t think there’s going to be any major new announcements, so it’ll mostly be just a status update.
Ah, accidentally murderous semi-rampages, Peter being Peter, and great descriptions of how to be Peter, all given a potentially comedic framing.
Seems pretty close to business as usual. And it’s all awesome, as usual.
(Though, the more Peter does, the more he’s confusing. He’s behind-the-scenes major person for the first….well, everything so far. But it kinda sounds like he’s getting rather center-stage up next. Would’ve thought that to be rather a hassle to him, but I’m sure it’s all part of the plan. Whatever that could possibly be….)
Part of me wonders if the point is sharing the information, or if the main point is to let the IDS know that their secret of how interdimentional travel really works may be about to be exposed which would force their hand (at least the hand of those factions who want to horde info and power for their own ends).
I agree, it sounds like the sort of reveal that is intended to trigger the next series of events according to P Kepler timing.
“No, no, Miss Ila. You get the credit, I get the blame.”
God damn if she is not a cute little murderous munchkin.
Ila really just does not get it. She wanted to make Arkady happy, but she absolutely did not view killing the people as a bad thing. I do think it is adorable (in a Ila-creepy way) that she still cares enough about making him happy that she is willing to give up the kill count.
I posted this on patreon but reposting here:
“She is deeply competitive and I suspect tracks basically anything as points. While she did not necessarily want to kill these people (for Arkady’s sake), she still won from her point of view. We have seen that she spends her free time playing video games in an attempt to beat Naomi, and while normal humans can distinguish between the two, I am not so sure with her.”
Combine this with the notion from last page that she might not really distinguish between Naomi knocking people out and her own mass slaughter, I suspect that she might actually keep score in an effort to beat Naomi and her brother (in her own view). Which makes offering to give up her kills even more adorable, in a truly messed up sort of way.
On Interlude 4, page 5, Rovak was so very, very wrong about Ila.
Not really… He basically says in that page that she isn’t a killing machine because she doesn’t really want to kill people. She treats it as a game because it is, but she found it tedious to not just kill them, not eagerness to do so. I think that’s what he means by “job satisfaction.”
I think you’ve got it exactly right, Amaranth. I don’t think Ila distinguishes between video game kills and real life kills. She seemed quite sincere about the kill stealing, but not more excited about it than if it were a video game.
It maybe exactly this that Naomi was intended to help Mium get past. If so, did Mium go through this as well? Is Ila on the right path to follow him?
_Is_ Mium on the right path? Can the two of them found a race of AI that can coexist with organic life? Have they already started by the creation of interface-Mium?
Stay tuned for the answers to these and other questions!
I do not think it is as bad a plan as it might seem like at first. The most dangerous thing imaginable is a bored Peter. If he actually spent all of his time investigating and hunting down criminals, it could have distracted him from digging into IDS business.
If I had to guess (without having the rest of the prequel to read yet), where it went horribly wrong was that the IDS itself was deeply corrupt, and Peter was better than anyone could have predicted at his job. Think of it from the prospective of Arron who actually (seems to) believe in the IDS. It would be a “not pointed at us” scenario. My guess is that, unfortunately for the IDS, the trail Peter started following absolutely was pointed at them in the end, and Peter kept digging anyway and got into data he was seriously not supposed to have.
While I do not know the exact timeline, Peter was an excellent IDS Investigator for what could have been a year to a couple years before he went off the rails. Probably a lot longer than prison lasted… I can’t imagine that lasted more than a week before he “checked out”.
I don’t think they’ve ever dealt with anyone with the single-mindedness of Peter. Also while they hady given him a task, I doubt they thought through the full ramifications. It’s also possible that the people that put him into the position didn’t know the full scope of the problem.
I think high up within IDS there is contact with Kor’s world.
He’s trying to make “Central” safe from Kor’s world, or at least to fully understand them which is why they are after him as well.
Actually, I suspect Peter was made an agent deliberately.
Secretly good aide to evil boss: “Let’s make Peter an agent. He’ll be so busy investigating the little crimes he won’t have time to harm our backroom deals.”
Evil boss: “Excellent idea, minion. Make it so.”
My guess is Arron was the idiot, and it was a good theory, except for the unfortunate fact that, unbeknownst to Arron, the worst criminals were in the IDS.
I would guess they thought, if he was going to do it anyhow, they could take advantage of that by making it his “official” job. If he can’t be stopped or even slowed down, maybe he can be aimed?
“I hereby absolve you of the moral responsibility for these deaths.”
“Who cares about that? You’re messing up my body count!”
Comments like this really make me wish that this commenting system allowed us to “like” or “upvote” comments! 8-D