Comic for Thursday, August 10th
I’ve written before that hyle is just a pretentious way of saying “reality”. Personally I pronounce is something like “hai-yun” but that’s because I originally always saw it written as ὕλη and I know almost nothing about how to pronounce ancient Greek.
Nathan’s staff isn’t entirely unique – things like it exist – but are not so common that most people would have actually seen one. If it’s accurate to call it an “artifact”, well… maybe, maybe not .
Also, holy crap people, we hit 20 Patreons; that’s pretty incredible. I can’t say thanks enough to everyone that’s supported it that way. Maybe I’ll try to update the vote incentive or something as celebration – no promises yet. We’ve managed to claw back to a 1 comic buffer, but it’s a perilous state.
for me to hold back
you forgot the (to) 6th panel you put for me hold back
Fixed, thanks
This has to be the weirdest confrontation Nathan has ever experienced. He still doesn’t realize what he’s up against.
no problem
Also this is going VERY different than how I guessed the first meeting between Nathan and Naomi going…
Heh. “Shouldn’t”. I find it mildly strange, and slightly more than mildly amusing, that an argument that sort actually stops herself.
This seems like a really complicated (and polite) way of saying “Just drop the stick so we can fight like regular people so I can have fun and he doesn’t intervene”. (With an entire panel’s worth of emphasis on “intervene”. Hehe…..)
Also, I think this is one of the longest conversations she’s had between punches….(on panel, that is). I bet saying “I applaud her self control” would only get me punched next, though.
I think this gets back to Naomi seems to think she is playing an RPG. She does not seem to take any of this particularly seriously. I was thinking that after last time when she actually got shot for her troubles of messing around, she would be a little more serious about it, but realized that she probably does not consider that a problem with Mium here.
I will be content if Naomi and Nathan talk instead of fight. That is a conversation that is bound to have some interesting tidbits.
I’m kind-of surprised that this guy knows enough to be pursuing Mium like this, but isn’t aware just how dangerous Mium really is. I mean, he JUST SAW Mium cancel a binding – from inside the binding – “while he wasn’t looking.” As in, he looked away and that was enough for Mium to casually break a binding from within.
That should have him not going, “Huh,” and instead going, “Oh dear.”
He seems to think Mium used some trick to break free and if he was watching he would be able to devise a countermeasure to stop it. He doesnt know Miums biggest magic trick is he can brute force pretty much any magic into nothingness, if he realized that he would probably be far more afraid. That kind of interference is completely not normal.
I interpreted Nathan’s persistence as partly because he has some inkling of Mium’s role if not his person, and partly from the casual shrugging off of the binding.
Nathan could be a good bit more powerful than he seems so far. He is Kally’s older brother. He did not seem unduly effected by Naomi throwing him on the ground.
It seems like he is more concerned with the situation becoming messy than his own safety. That might just be overconfidence, but Atter fled as soon as Nathan showed up, so at least other people believe him to be quite competent.
Panel 3: “would not be very sporting after all.” Panel 5: “I will try not to kill you,” p.s., my family always taught me: never pass Judgment, until you hear both sides of the story.
Fixed, thanks!
you’re welcome.