Comic for Monday, October 23rd
…and so the talking continued.
Will put up a new costume sketch in the commends below when it’s done (tomorrow).
Sorry, be bit of a short commentary today as I’ve got a lot of things to finish up this weekend still, and this weekend is very rapidly slamming shut. I’ll be in the comments below though
Wait, is the implication that Query’s massive increase in processing power to become Mium is because he’s suborned a giant sky-ship full of computational capacity?
I think more because of the technology recovered. The Computer Chip that Peter retrieved from Kor’s World tank is a good example – maybe the master chip to those Eidos Cards or something.
I think that MYM was a separate entity before Peter merged somehow used Query to take it over. There’s been a few references to MYM being Dr. Martin’s lab computer or something.
Maybe. Then again, there has been speculation and armchair theorizing to the effect that Peter not only worked at Avon, but he may have gone by the name “Dr. Martin” there. For all we know, Peter may be directly responsible for MYM and a lot of their AI technology.
It makes sense, considering what we know about Peter and considering that Dr. Martin is missing. Nobody at Avon seems to know where he went. He was the head of their ultra-secret and highly illegal AI research. That’s not someone who you want to run off and end up spilling secrets to competitors or the authorities. Avon likely put considerable resources into trying to find him.
This might explain why Peter was clear that he could not risk going to Avon undercover himself and so sent Miko. It might also explain why Ila told Peter that he’s in Dr. Mir’s top 5 of people she most wants to kill. She worked under Dr. Martin, after all. And it is clear that she hates Dr. Martin from how she talks about him.
So a lot more evidence for the Peter==Martin theory. The big hole for me was it seemed at the start like Peter’s departure had been too recent for that. But now? Now it sounds like years.
It is so nice to read a story where the good guys are thinking and scheming and preparing way in advance while everyone one else is counting themselves so clever because they half figured out what Peter did long ago.
Wow! I’m so clever I deserve a cookie because I figured it out! I’ll sit here and eat my cookie because there is nothing I can do to change what Peter did. If only he would stop doing things and spend all his time explaining everything he did so I can understand it. No? Peter…!
So…. you think Pete is one of the good guys?
He does seem to have “Not ending the world” on his list of things to remember.
Well, didn’t Naomi say something about saving the world, way back near the beginning in chapter 1?
Peter seems to have at least two goals. One of these is doing something challenging so that he’s not bored to death. (This was probably one of the reasons he left IDS.) The other goal… is not so clear.
We do know that Kor’s World is a big bad threat – the Sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. And it would take Central and Pandora working together in unity to stop a full-on invasion in a way that would minimize the destruction of the environment and loss of life and property. Even then, it would probably require a cooperative network of AI like Mium to truly thwart or defeat them.
While Central’s world did, eventually, manage to drive out Kor’s World, it sounds like the cost was beyond comprehension. It sounds like much of their world is now completely unlivable, forcing them to migrate to different worlds (like Pandora). Also, consider that small-scale invasion of Levenworth and the weapons platform. The Kor’s World agent reported that he faced resistance from an AI network, which this world should not have.
I’m betting that Peter is more than smart enough to realize these things. And it’s in his own interest to preserve his own hide. He probably sees Central as being too politicized and/or stupid to realize this and do what’s necessary. So, he may be taking matters into his own hands.
BTW: Kor’s World reminds me of the Cro-Magnon antagonists in the old Sliders TV series.
sliders i havnt thought about that show in years. too bad they never did much with the cro-magnon plot line before they ended the series
In a world of various colors and shades of morality, I believe he is on the light side. How far on the light side is something we can discuss.
Naomi is a force for good and I don’t think Peter has the people skills to convincingly lie to her long-term. I kind of doubt he can lie at all except by omission. So the fact that Naomi is working with him leads me to believe he convinced her of his general good intentions.
I think Peter is on the side of individual freedoms and survival for the populace as a whole. This makes him not particularly sympathetic to those who want to control the populace (governments). In my opinion, that is good. Others can disagree.
Evidence points to him not being one of the bad guys. To some people that automatically implies he is one of the good guys. Me? I think he’s more a heroic neutral personally.
Panel 4: “There is A well established work around…”
Someone should’ve shot that clock the minute Arron walked in. These two talking is way too interesting and fun. (And…I might be wrong, but isn’t this the first time it’s actually happened on-panel?)
That said, last panel, first line. I think I just might adore that.
In person, perhaps, although there was the Peter-hologram conversation.
And here we can see family problems coming to the forefront. All of the unneeded “Directors” just sound nasty to me.
Nice page. It’s clever and it helps us understand Peter and Arron better and how they tend to relate to each other. On the surface, it may look too wordy. However, all the dialog seems important. And I did not find it the least bit boring or extraneous.
When I hear or read “Avon”, my mind tends to relate this with cosmetics. Maybe it’s the era of TV commercials I grew up with. But, to me, the name seems almost synonymous with beauty products, sort of like how Kleenex is synonymous with facial tissues and Band-Aid is synonymous with adhesive bandages. (Indeed, the Wikipedia article suggests that the name “Band-Aid” has become a generic term and, thus, the trademark is on shaky ground today.)
Was there a specific reason why the name Avon was chosen? Was it because it sort of sounded like a foreign high tech company?
To be fair: These days, it’s very difficult to come up with an original name for anything. As the saying goes, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” Worldwide, there are billions of different products with different names, not to mention brand names, company names, subsidiary names, building names, etc. Also, names for people, places, etc. Then there are names used in various works of fiction, from film and TV shows to books, comics, etc. And this unique name problem becomes more difficult as more products are invented, more companies come and go, more people are born, etc.
When things are going to be published, they usually go through a sanitation draft so you can catch names that’d catch confusion and the like. Obviously, this comic never did that, so whatever I named something at the start usually just sort of stuck.
I had a reason that I named it that entirely unrelated to the existence of a real world company of the same name; I don’t think I was aware of the company with the same name originally – someone told me eventually, but I decided I wasn’t going to try to name-scramble at that point; if I use longer less pronounceable names for things it’d just be harder to keep track of.
And when I hear or read “Avon”, in an SF-ish context, I think of the character from Blake’s Seven…
And when I hear the word Avon, I think of a semi-evil organization doing illegal and immoral experimentation on humans and guinea pigs. And then capitalizing on manipulating people… for the benefit of the world?!
Heh. Peter being Peter.
As per usually, whenever Peter explains things, it creates more questions than actual answers.
Panel 6: “Kally says you have humanoid frame for Query”, should be “Kally says you have A humanoid frame for Query”
Panel 7; Peter 2: “Don’t take thins so personally” should be “Don’t take THINGS so personally”
Panel 7; Peter 2: “you only have the clockwork replica of conscience” should perhaps be “you only have THAT clockwork replica of A conscience” – presumably a reference to Query, but not sure if that’s meaning that was intended.
panel 2: If you had the influence you used to have
or maybe: If you had the influence you once might have had.
(which is really poor word usage, but may be an important peter’ism.
panel 2: Contractors… on the other hand…
panel 7: only have a clockwork replica of a consciousness
And fixed, thanks
Panel 8: I did mention I had to go to school, yes?
And I hope that you are having a good nights sleep.
Or had, because you will be reading this in the morning, after a good nights sleep.
Fixed, thanks
Panel 6: “Kally says you have humanoid frame for Query”, should be “Kally says you have A humanoid frame for Query”
Fixed, thanks
Well, you did add the “a” to the sentence. However, you put it after “humanoid” instead of before, like it should be…
I probably shoulda just come back in the morning and tried to fix these, haha. Maybe it was a humanoid a-frame.
… Fixed(er), thanks.
great im first so…
1st panel “skip to part” should be “skip to THE part where…”
thats the only grammer mistake i can find. (its funny grammer im good at spelling… not so much)
also aron, you need to engage peter’s intrest. give him a good puzzle to solve.
…And fixed. Many, this was a rough comic for the wording stuff.