Comic for Monday, October 1st, 2018
Oh… huh, it’s October?? When did that happen…
Well, I guess as is tradition, if anyone has ideas for the yearly character costume ideas, toss them in the comments or shoot me message/email. Historically I get around to drawing most of them, though I don’t make any promises.
Just as a heads up I will be out of country for the last week of October; I currently plan on having enough buffer to not miss anything there, but, well, best laid plans and what not.
On the bright side, Velzor, you might be able to run away from Ila. She’s less of an eraser, and more just a gun. (Perhaps the “can’t get rid of you” is supposed to mean Ila wants him for shutting her off, or maybe he’s supposed to be running away right now….)
Still! How quickly he jumps from (smug?) confidence to begging for his life…is kinda impressive.
And also makes me think Rovak is a lot tougher than him, or just that much more reckless. (Actually, wait. “I CODE”? Immortality code? Is that something that makes “other Kardus” supposedly immortal? Explains a little of why he’s so willing to give up so quickly, if he’s aware of that.)
Rovak’s first encounter with Ila left him naked in a crater, because he was the only thing that survived her barrage. He managed to survive Mium giving him a similar treatment to Kardus, here, but pressing his attack a bit more. It’s how he earned the nickname Mr. Zombie. His I-code also allowed him to shrug off the IDS’ knockout gas, and Arpon’s special forces enthusiastic recovery of their president. I’m not thinking of any other significant encounters he’s had where it came in handy, but I think the major players have kind of learned hurting him is kind of pointless so they don’t do that as much. I’m not forgetting his various quick departures from building roofs. That’s hardly fatal at the best of times.
As far as Kardus running away from probably the fastest mage in the comic… probably not. His one chance for survival had been to have the tank try to distract Mium while he fled in terror. Which would need to include a bit where he stopped using all magic and ran conventionally for a short burst and then found a dark hole to hide in. I would guess we get to find out whether Ila is merciful and quick or patient and angry on Thursday.
Ila seems…annoyed. Good luck, Kardus. You unique specimen of the “Kardus” type.
Seems like its an endangered species.
Monday, October 10th, 2018?
Typo in the URL?
Originally I had the date wrong in the title, which autogenerates the URL; I fixed the title, but the WordPress backend I use doesn’t really let you correct the URL.
And I thinl Kardus has realized the terror of who he is actually dealing with. Even if he escapes this encounter alive, he’ll still have to worry about M.Y.M. showing up and erasing him at pretty much any point in the future. Because I kinda suspect Mium’s reason for leaving him alive was that Ila wanted to kill him.
…MYM refers to him as “a Kardus”… that is fcking hilarious, lol.
So Mium still can’t kill without direct orders allowing it, but he *can* heavily suggest Ila do so. Without actually suggesting anything, of course, because he isn’t allowed to do that.
Or Mium decided to teach Ila a lesson on how killing doesn’t accomplish as much as you’d think.
MYM’s comment, “Just passing through” was so reminiscent of his remark to Rovak, “Currently, I am a coat rack..” It was perfectly balanced against Kardus’ terror.
I thought it was a call back to Kardus saying something similar around the time Ila caught up with him.
You may be right, just before he makes the biggest mistake of his life.
A classic typo. It’s actually October 1.
No! Its September 30th!
I love reading this comic a day before all of you! Bwahahahaaaaa
Ila is so cute when she has bloodlust in her eyes.
MYM is so stoic.
Ah, good point. Fixed.