
Just slightly late. My schedule will still be a bit and there’s some other stuff, but I think we’ll be at least nominally on schedule. I think in the future I may up to truncate comics in a similar situation, but I didn’t think I’d miss two weeks in a row. Art might be a little rough this time as even as late as it was I was rushing a bit, but doesn’t look too egregious.

I opted to use ‘stage directions’ of sort on the whispering this time, both because I know some people don’t like it when I use tiny or faded text… usually when I do that the text isn’t really part of the main exchange, but in this case it’s the dialogue of the panel. Plus, this way I could make the note that Miko wasn’t trying very hard to whisper clear, since Miko has very little problem talking shit about people in front of said people.

Kally is probably the only one that’d take offense to Miko’s comments though, being that nature of human vs. human weapon is far more of a sore spot for her than Naomi. Kally also has a vague notion that she should try to guide Miko to better behavior, but as we tend to see when they interact, it does not work at all, both because Miko is more or less impervious to being lectured by anyone besides Peter, and Kally herself is neither a paragon of behavior nor particularly verbal/socially adept. Kally is certainly capable of having a more forceful personality, as we’ve seen, but she tends to be off-balance socially confronting problems that don’t need to be solved by dragons.

Kally stumbling slightly over calling her a Designer Child to her face is largely an unnecessary correction. While it may have started as a somewhat derisive term, its typically what the designer children (particularly ones like Naomi) tend to refer themselves as. But the IDS probably attempts to discourage its employees from using the term, but it would be mostly futile.

Truthfully, Miko probably does know more about how and where Naomi came from. Miko just doesn’t really care about it or agree with her presence, so just views it as a chance to to talk more shit rather than provide anything resembling an answer. Only by end is Miko really starting to rant though. You can tell the degree with Miko is ranting by how much alliteration crops up in her dialogue.

Anyway, next comic should be 8/5. I think it’ll be normal, but if I’ll see if I can shorten it instead of skip it if comes to that, as I still have some heavy crunching to do on another subject, and am currently a little limited on my working time on the comic.