Comic for Wednesday, March 1st
Hmm, I’m fairly certain that’s not how the saying goes, Arron. Though he does have a point on the canary poncho.
It’s a bit of a funny story I suppose – I left this conversation in my outline as [bantar & insults] quite awhile; by the time I had to come up with Arron’s return, it was far beyond thinking hours and I was tired and cranky, so I just threw a fairly terrible comeback in there. While later I came up with slightly better ones, I decided to leave that one on the account that Arron is probably tired and cranky, and just threw out the first thing that came to mind as I don’t think he’s lasted this long by giving too much thought to talking to Kyle.
At this point I’m going say we are playing it by ear of there is a Friday comic. Three comics a week definitely a little hard to manage right now, and I’m not super excited about the art quality of we are producing right now, and even that’s been a tad hard to schedule. Nothing really to say on it yet though besides Friday’s comic is a maybe right now.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, probably multiple times till you listen to me.
Take a couple weeks off to build a buffer. Write out the script for the next couple months worth of comics, sketch the next 2 weeks worth, fill in the first weeks worth, then start loading them to your site. We can wait as long as you give us a heads up.
Your its in panel 3 has a stray apostrophe.
Fixed! Thanks. I looked at for a “your” with a stray apostrophe for a few minutes before I realized what you said. This probably explains my difficulty in proof reading.
Poncho, or jumpsuit?
How did Kyle get that flying trojan horse past security? O.o
This has certainly been a week for bombshells. 🙂
Yeah I wouldn’t trust that thing if I was Arron. Simply because we have no idea how far ahead Peter has planned. And whether there might be any contingencies still waiting to trip.
I’m fairly certain Arron wouldn’t have trusted it much when Peter was supposed to be on his side…
At this point I think Arron has connected a few dots on how far Peter’s planning goes, and when Kyle got Query probably just became a significant data point… 😀
It’s actually a weird cross between between a jumpsuit and long jacket. I’d generally call it a canary-colored-coat if I had to call it anything.
As far as security – as Kyle Kepler’s dialogue suggests he’s not a member of the IDS; who he is probably part of the answer, plus Peter probably gave it to him on this world, so he didn’t have to get through inter-world-border-checks 😛
You know I think Arron would easily believe what it could do. He might even think that what it can currently do is just the tip of the iceburg. :p
Although I’m going to guess that he will want a closer look at it, for security purposes. At least that seems to be the direction the conversation is going in…
Yeah… Arron is fairly familiar with Query (what Peter called it); I think he’s starting to get suspicious of why Peter doesn’t have it anymore as well consider what he’s seen in the last few days…