This page went through a couple of iterations, which is part of the reason it’s on the later side. More iterations does not really mean better, it just means indecisiveness. The content was always the same, of course, but there were more or less three contenders; one, this one, one where Kyle’s muttering was replaced with a few thought bubbles of similar content, and one where I’d just removed most of it. Each had it’s pros and cons, but I don’t like adding new full point of view characters, and I prefer to keep Kyle as a semi-point of view character. I had never really planned on him or Peter being full point of view characters, but I figured since I broke that rule on Peter I could break it on Kyle, but then I flip flopped… you see!? Anyway… I think I’m okay with the result. Yeah, his got a lot of exposition-y muttering, but it more or less fits with his character anyway.

Ultimately I thought it would be too unclear what happened without some more exposition. I imagine even with that, it’s not super clear what Query (errr…. not Query, who’s Query?!) did.

Using magic without an autocaster is a lot more rare here. There is a reason that Kally is called the Red Dragon Witch. There’s also a good reason it would be… particularly surprising for someone in the Civil Service to use magic without an autocaster, though it’s mostly down to superstition about people that can use magic, as most people can use it without an autocaster to some extent with practice and understanding of the principles. Of course… it’s debatable if any magic without an autocasterΒ was used here… it sort of… a matter of definition? Hmmm…

I think I will do a mini-Q&A over the weekend as I’ve gotten a handful of question recently. If you got one to add, shoot it along; if it’s like some of the less appropriate ones, prepare for it to be ignored (you would be amazed at what people ask…) otherwise I’ll include it.

Q&A is up; pardon the long ramble, read at your risk: