Comic for Monday, May 22nd, 2023
on May 23, 2023
at 5:05 am
This is one of those where I pretty shamelessly just put… several pages… of text on one page. The new style may allow certain degrees of irresponsibility. But with the once every two-week update schedule, it felt like makes sense with pages like this that are just a bunch of people walking down hallways talking.
Page will be up tomorrow. I have it mostly finished, but it’s too late to finish it up tonight. Probably around midday Tuesday.
Thanks for the heads up. you’ve earned some shut-eye.
Interesting. This isn’t that big of news, but confirms that the arm can be replaced. Likely with cybernetics. That likely played a part in Aaron’s willingness to have it removed.
Reminds me of the first time we heard Colonel Ricci mentioned back when Miko was threatening the IDS Soldiers.
Seeing that the actual Ricci can be foul mouthed, I wonder if he knows Miko and what he’d think of her foul-mouthed tirades.
Quick note that your link doesn’t go anywhere. Likely the comment software removed it.
Where did everyone go? Usually there would be several comments by now. Did Biana scare everyone off? Hmmm, was it Biana or Sophie that fired the HVM at Peter?
This is one of those “popcorn” panels where we get a lot of good tone, pacing, and atmosphere, but there isn’t really a huge revelation to speculate about. We’re all still here and enjoying ourselves, there just isn’t anything really to say at this exact moment.
It appears that there was a glitch of some kind. Don’t know if it was on my end or the server’s end. A bunch of comments that now appear were not visible to me earlier.
It warms my heart to see two old friends teasing each other in snarky repartee. ^^
And, yeah, old campaigners really do talk like that….
Not just the old campaigners. I served 86-97 and the teasing bad language and name calling started in basic training. SOB was one of the milder insults.
You botched the delivery of the panel 3 joke. It should be something like “I’d be in a cell, I suppose”. The “with me” isn’t clear enough.
I dunno, seems to be the double joke of being thrown in the cell, and getting slapped while in the cell, so works as written to me.
Past, please don’t apologize for all the text. It gives insight to the characters thinking which wouldn’t have been possible in the old comic format without using a bunch of panels.
The good vs bad count for the meeting is even at 2 and 2. Can someone please identify the guy talking to Briana? Thanks.
He’s probably some Orish guy, since she’s hiding out in Orin and he’s apparently reporting to different people than she is. Is she reporting to anyone? Or is she as rogue as she claims Peter is at this point?
I’m pretty sure even the people at Central consider her rogue at this point.
IIRC, at one point they did ask for both Biana and Arron to go back to Central for whatever meeting it was about how much crap they’d caused, and only Arron turned up. Biana having fled to a country blacklisted by the IDS.
Yes, but that doesn’t preclude her boss, whomever that might be, from continuing to try to use her as a tool, while doing their best to keep the traces of said direction as invisible as feasible. If she reports to “the council”, as seems likely, that could be any member of the council.
It’s been clear that she’s been considered at least a bit rogue ever since the Sky Hammer incident. But she hasn’t had enough panel time or mention for us to have a strong feeling of how rogue she is. Is she someone Alex Fairway would risk touching that much? Is that why we’ve gotten to see him in a couple of updates? Or is she too much for even him to touch at this point?
Also, how involved are Sophie and Biana at this point? I know Kally went to fetch her, but I recall feeling like that wasn’t resolved as firmly as I expected. If Sophie went back to face some kind of an inquiry board or something, she’s probably not bold enough to still be in direct contact. But then, I’d have thought she’d not be as bold as she was, so who am I to judge? But if it was just a recall back to Central without an inquiry board or anything, then maybe she could be the contact from IDS that’s still providing enough of a connection for Biana to not realize she’s entirely lost the plot.